Reviews for Dragon Age: The Crown of Thorns
Elven-in-name chapter 78 . 2/22
Wow . sucks. I will miss Raonar. Also how did you get involved with trump?

Glad you made a first step to a writing career though.
Extra Teriyaki S chapter 78 . 2/19
Hot DAMN this story sucks balls. No joke; the plot, if there is even one coherent enough to be assessed, is awful.
You know what does have a good plot, though? Anything made by "I Luvgrace420" that guy knows how to write a story! Drop him a review if you get a chance, but dont hate!fsdf
UndyingEmbers chapter 51 . 8/29/2019
No. No. NO!

What Alim did to Morrigan was sexual assault. I don't care how much you think she "enjoyed" it. No means NO! It doesn't matter whether it's intercourse or if you're trying to to hold the other person's hand. If a person does not want to be touched, don't freaking touch them. Furthermore, taking her blood out of her body without her consent is completely vile and despicable. Compounded with the fact that he routinely magics her into submission and the fact that he hasn't returned a grimoire to her that he knows is hers just shows how unhealthy that relationship is.

Also, Maferah's balls Alim hates mind control! I don't care what Bioware classifies as blood magic/mind control, using sleeping spells and stun spells on the party without their consent is still a violation of their free will. It's more than obvious that the only reason Alim "hates" mind control is because he wants to feel superior to other blood mages who are "weak" enough to resort to it. Otherwise, he doesn't give a nug's ass.

Second, not only is Raonar one of the most obnoxious Stus I've ever read, he's also a total creep. Stabbing and imprisoning Trian without his consent was inexcusable. I don't care if Raonar thought he was doing it for "Trian's own good" or "the good of Orzammar". Even if Trian decided to storm the palace and get himself killed in the process, it was his choice to make. Now, Raonar is perfectly within his rights to try to persuade Trian not to do it, but kidnapping someone is NEVER okay. To add even more stupid to that scenario, Raonar then turns around and pretends to care about "right of choice". Don't make me laugh!

(Seriously, the sections with Trian in his prison made my skin crawl. It read more like brainwashing/Stockholm Syndrome than genuine character development on Trian's end. I swear the Ben-Hassrath re-educators were taking notes.)

Thirdly LYING BY OMISSION IS STILL LYING! Raonar is a lying liar who lies, and he IS responsible when he deliberately makes others believe something that isn't true. For Andraste's sake, there are real-world cases where you can get into legal trouble for simply failing to disclose something (for example, failing to properly label the chemicals in your product, failing to tell a patient important details for medication/surgery, etc). Again, I don't care what his reasons are, honesty is telling someone the WHOLE truth.

Lastly, the writing is atrocious. There are typos everywhere, and I see far too many mangles sentences just wanting to be put out of their misery. Honestly, the only reason this fic is so long is because the whole thing just drags (four weeks in Ostagar? Really?)
Tomosada chapter 18 . 12/10/2018
All-fiction Epic Deaths podium:
Gold: Virgo no Shaka
Silver: Solveig
Bronze: Iwamoto Kogan
Tomosada chapter 17 . 12/9/2018
Speaking of hibiscus... the Ispahan was known as the flower of Eden. The suspended gardens of Babylon were built by King Nebuchadnessar for his Iranian Consort Queen, hence there were probably a lot of roses there; they are pink though, not the bright red of blood Morrigan received. In Europe, it was common to eat rose petal in winter, quite nutritious, they make for nice tea too. They were also an occult symbol, like the Socialist-Rosicrucian emblem.

Also, in prisons, it was the custom to have a rose thorn inserted inside the urethra of pedobears. Idk if they still do it.

Still not convinced by the blood magic thingie. How do they do without conexion with the Fade to actually manipulate the energy? Just because you've got access to power supply doesn't mean you can actually draw it without the energy tool-less.
Tomosada chapter 15 . 12/8/2018
Okay apparently comes from an american tribe's language or Hebrew or an israeli dialect, it is quite modern.

The correct attitude based on the sacred laws of Chivalry would have been to spare the surrendered IF they be knights. But they appear to be false knights, ignorants of the manner of Chivalry both European and Eastern, and thus may be slain mercilessly or in single combat after giving them back their weapons. When the way is perverted, it is no longer true to itself; hence righteousness does not exist without being ken to metaphysical truths and initiatic lore, it must be backed up properly or else it will mutate into something else. Confucius said: "Practicing without theory is foolish; theorizing without practicing is dangerous."
Tomosada chapter 14 . 11/26/2018
Oculus eius morte claudet abscondita supervivetque, sonabit et in populis: vivit, non vivit, uno ex pullis pullisque pullorum superstite.


Pourquoi me réveiller, ô soufle du printemps ? Pourquoi me réveiller ? Sur mon front je sens tes caresses et pourtant bien proche est le temps des orages et des tristesses !
Tomosada chapter 13 . 11/26/2018
Ostagar was a perfect battle for a fire attack, a shield wall and finally a cavalry charge or a bull stampede with their tails lit on FIRE, would have killed more than Alim's cheat magic for sure (btw, Lu Bu is deadlier too). Also, taking position up in the fortress, with bows, lot of ammo and mages summoning the wind to cary them onto the spawns ranks. Such srategies would have been best.

Well. Their fault for not having high profiles enough to slaughter hurlocks like criters and pseudo strategists.

Tabris Kallian hanshi Aikidô Jûdan. Pretty sure it's the first time Takeda Sôkaku appears in an Isekai reincarnation novel as a she-elf arousing dwarves and giants.
Tomosada chapter 10 . 11/24/2018
Blood Mages are overestimated. In the game, they needed a lot of health to be actually effiscient, and it mostly was used to replace mana. Which means you could just as well bolster your Willpower and Magic characteristics in order to be strong, and then drown your foes into a storm of flammes, surprising them and preventing them from leaving it too. My playthough with a she-mage sure was just like that.

About skills & Dumbalistair: "Do you believe that if your body move as you wish, you are invincible? I used to think that too. But with age, you learn new tricks and suddenly are possessed with refined skills."

An aspect neglected is the moment where Alistair appears, it's a key moment in the original version, as his fairy tales vibes here & there are greater than his brother's.
Tomosada chapter 9 . 11/24/2018
I've got no idea why they're walking instead instead of riding horses (at least, DA3 got that right if anything). A tough and healthy human can walk 50 km/day roughly. But a horse rider will go way faster by relaying.

"For hours (...) his entire life?!" Nay, it was a Chanson de Geste. ;p
Tomosada chapter 8 . 11/24/2018
A trial all authors have to overcome is the boringness of texts without a point of focus. When I read on the net, I often use the cursor to select segments I want to read; but it is not possible on this website. Kyogoku Natsuhiko sensei overcomes the "violence" done to the reader through a special layout, but outside of a book or manuscript format that is not usable. Anime and movies overcome it with ease through pictures, but that also is not possible. The way you, Karmic Acumen, attempt to do it, it seems to me this idea of putting quotes abstract of the text between scenes, that gives the will to read further out of curiosity, and pay attention to the text. I think it is quite smart & novel.

Since you asked "Review please!" I thought that I should say this much at least.
Tomosada chapter 4 . 11/20/2018
I came because that fanfic is quite famous, but so far I am mostly disappointed. Not only the Prince Aeducan is a progressist smartass who have a reversed poor understanding of the nature of the Caste doctrine, but Dwarven armors are useless wet paper it seems.
In a more realistic setting, nearly all arrows would bounce harmlessly. Do you really believe the shields are better at handling them than pectoral plates of a knight's harnois? In excavation of old battlefields, belly and torsoe wounds are very rare, and sometimes non-existent. The weak point of a historical or Dwarven harness are both on the knees and elbows... and just taking a gash there doesn't mean you will faint seconds latter. In fact, you shouldn't even need recovery potions, unless you arm was cut-off...
Aotearas chapter 77 . 11/8/2018
Is this fic officially dead? Because that would be a real shame considering how much I enjoyed reading it.
Alakrux chapter 30 . 9/26/2018
This chapter was amazing. I haven’t read many stories where the writer plays the readers mind against them. You did an absolutely amazing job.
The Dark Eccentric chapter 68 . 8/30/2018
I always wondered what became of Fergus. I never fully finished a Human Noble run, so the most I had got was that he went missing in the Wilds before the Battle of Ostagar.
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