Reviews for The Monster in the Mansion A Modern Faerie Tale
Roodle143 chapter 17 . 4/12/2014
The story was really good and i liked some of the characters, but i have a few problems, one of the major ones is surprisingly Giselle and River's relationship, it was good at first when they first met, but where is the bond between them what are the things they have in common besides being attractive to one another, i also have a problem of what River said in one of the chapters, i think it was "it was only you so vibrant, confident, and beautiful" Giselle, from what I read, is beautiful, but throughout the story she definitely wasn't vibrant and colorful, if anything she was mostly depressed and even though she knew she was beautiful I would consider her a bit on the vain side than confident wise, she knew drugs were very bad and gets upset when she sees Mix doing them, but then does it herself, i know depression can make yourself do things you wouldn't do, but from what i read this promise her and Mix had meant to her a lot, so why would she break it always, sure during since everyone forgot her the promise never really happened but to her it did happen so why break it herself, another thing is i have very rarely seen someone just stand there and get beaten up, i know she doesn't panic or whatever, but most people do something. on another note i notice she is very slutty, know there is a difference between the stereotypical slut, being supposedly "dressed" like one, and actually being one, she is kind of acting like one, every time she hangs around a guy she goes ahead and makes out with them, it is like she is a prostitute, she never really gets to know them or even hangs out with them a lot. Another thing about your story is that a lot of things get over looked, what happened to her hand, i know its not important, but she at least must acknowledge it once in a while, another thing is you mention somewhat in the beginning that she was a basketball player, also that she, i believe was agnostic, i don't really remember i just know she wasn't catholic, also it sounded like she did read harry potter, so she must like books, right? these are all things that make up someone all of these things that i listed mean that Giselle was an athlete, a book lover, and also had an open mind on the world around or could be considered "deep", i wanted to learn more on this side of her, i did like the more "naughty" side of her, but it was shown way too much, it would have been better if there was balance, everything isn't all black and white, but you made her seem more "black" then "grey" like most people are. now onto River, i liked him, though i did have a hard time picturing him as the beast, callouses on his face?, also what made him fall for Giselle, what made him change, how did he connect to her besides being attracted to her, also on a side note did he ever read the Harry Potter books XD, anyway i know I wrote a lot and im probably nick picking, but besides all of that it was a good story and i hope you write more, also i liked Mix and Jocelyn alot :D hopefully i didn't offend you at all and have a magical day :)
Wickedforlife chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
Wickedforlife chapter 9 . 3/15/2012
You're a fantastic writer, why haven't you been published? Your style is very Holly Black, who I love to death. And it's very psycholigical ,do you study it? Keep this, it has potential for publishing. And talk with a publishing writing, you have so much talent.
feyfollower chapter 17 . 6/5/2011
Oh My Freaking God - i love this take on Beauty & the beast. Reminds me sorta of beastly - how its a human looking form. Maybe not - yours is better! BY FAR!

Woot! Really liked this, keep writing the other one too!
Lolita chapter 3 . 5/24/2011
Okay, I just remembered a few other things.

1) The drug scenes were terrifyingly descriptive. It was troubling.

2) The story overall was very enjoyable, and I liked it a lot. It was sad but definitely engaging!

I think that's it.
Lolita chapter 3 . 5/24/2011
Now, I can't help but feel curious about a couple things:

1) Did the Beast actually kill the girls?

2) Did the Beast actually kill anyone who knew the girls as punishment? I mean, would he actually follow through on his threats if he was disobeyed?

3) Was Giselle's brother cursed or bespelled or something? Or was that just one of those real life things?

4) River seemed to have an awful temper even by the end of the story. He kept exploding, and it was scary. I think he lost some of his selfishness, but he still lost his head quite a bit. I'm not sure he was as reformed as he should have been, especially since he didn't seem to notice how ill Giselle was (unless he was just ignoring it?).

5) Did Giselle really love River? Did she only fall for him because of Stockholm Syndrome (my old favorite) or because she saw how hawt he used to be? Or was he really her (sigh) true love?

I was unsure about other aspects of the story as well, but it's been a few days since I read it, soo I can't remember.

Also, I felt that the ending was...lacking something. I'm not sure what, exactly. Maybe it was too...perfect? A little rushed? Hmm... Well, I know that if the ending had been unhappy, I would have been upset. I guess it's better this way!

That's all!
Reviewer chapter 4 . 5/16/2011
I get that you don't like cliches, and that you want your main character to be different. But it's like she has a disorder of some kind. She literally doesn't have the fight or flight instinct, which is unrealistic. In your quest to be different, you might want to, instead, seek to make her like a living, breathing person. That is when the readers adore your story; when your protagonist comes alive, it becomes more memorable than a girl who feels no fear.
barefoot beauty chapter 17 . 3/27/2011
This is a beautiful story. I fell in love with it. You are very talented.

xx ann
Hope of the Fairies chapter 17 . 3/17/2011
This was a brilliant story! I loved how you took the Beauty and the Beast story and made it your own. I love River and Giselle. They are wonderful names and the characters themselves are very complex and real. It was so romantic and kept me hooked the whole time. I really feel strongly that you may want to look into publishing this! Keep on writing!
Clara Spencer chapter 17 . 2/25/2011
I'm so disappointed! Not in the story but the fact that it's over. I loved the ending and how it was kind of circular, the fact that it ended with her beginning the tale for Mix. I really liked these characters, very good writing. One thing kind of bugged me though- I may be wrong in this but I kind of got the impression (for whatever reason) that Giselle was going to have to go on some sort of quest-like mission to find River and get him back from Lilith. I think I felt this way mainly because the character Lilith seemed to be the sort of person who would kill River right in front of Giselle if she REALLY wanted him dead. And then later she states that she believes he's learned his lesson so she's giving River back to Giselle, but I felt like this decision was made behind the scenes and it would be cool to know the motivations behind it. Lilith doesn't seem like the type who just makes random snap decisions without totally thinkig them through, great story though. I'll defintely be re reading this one!
maestra-di-pinna chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
beautiful layout, very inspirational
liloapril chapter 15 . 11/28/2010
La Maripoza chapter 13 . 11/21/2010
AAh. I have a two-sided feeling about them. I'm like, "no Giselle, don't kiss him, EW, he has a black tongue!" ( this is the shallow part of me) On the other hand I'm like,"I love angst...finally."

BTW: it was interesting to see them from another person's perspective.

Now I'm off to read the 1st chapter again to see if I can make any sense of it now. :)
Clara Spencer chapter 14 . 11/17/2010
Soooo good! I'm definitely going to start reading about Lise next, I want to know what she needed River's help with. I love it when stories intertwine like that.
weedyseahorse chapter 13 . 11/13/2010
This whole story is simply amazing. I love it. I look forward to your updates each time I check my e-mail. This is so awesome I truly belive you could turn it into a book. :) If I saw this on the shelf, I would buy it. I love the twist of things. Keep writing and I'll keep reading. :)
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