Reviews for A Haunting on Greymalkin Lane
laelruin chapter 11 . 2/4/2019
HAHAHA! Loved it! Rouge finally got a decent kiss too, and Logan's in for SSSOOOO MUCH confusion. :)
Louise chapter 11 . 9/11/2016
Well i really liked this fic but not it's got me looking all over the net for more Dean/Rogue pairings. which is unexpected since i usually only like her with Logan
reader50 chapter 11 . 2/23/2016
I enjoyed your story, would have loved more Sam and Dean but it is a good story otherwise. Thank you for sharing with us.
reader50 chapter 9 . 2/23/2016
I have been enjoying your story. I do have one complaint. In the comics, Wolverine is 5'3". Hugh Jackson is 6'2". Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester is 6'1". You make it sound as if Dean is is short with Wolverine "towering" over him.
Booker10 chapter 11 . 4/20/2013
:):):)!:D:D:D:D love it please update or make a sequel or something!:)
InkPaperDoll488 chapter 11 . 9/25/2012
Wow, never ever thought about a cross over between these two worlds, and I gotta admit. I loved it. The similarities between Logan and Dean, never saw that until you pointed it out.
Awesome story, and to be honest, I really wanna see a sequel with more of a Dean/Marie thing.
Loved the story!
tigercub93 chapter 9 . 9/24/2012
Great story, love the way you are mixing the two worlds. Only thing that bothered me, and it just might be that I am nit-picky but you are describing Logan to be taller than Dean which is untrue. I know that in Supernatural Dean looks pretty short next to the gigantic Sam, but in real life Jensen Ackles is about 6'1"-on the tall side of average; whereas in the comics, Logan is measured at 5'4"-5'6" (remember he is supposed to be like 160-ish, the average height back then was much shorter). But yeah, that's just me being OCD haha sorry! But seriously I love the Logan/Rogue/Dean dynamic, Logan and Dean are a lot alike (probably why I like them so much) so of course Rogue would be attracted to both of them!
AmeliaReddy chapter 11 . 9/10/2012
I wonder what would happen if Rougue touched a demon or something... Anyway, I really liked the story! Dean/Rougue would be so cute!
Anime Hottie Lovah chapter 11 . 10/4/2011
I loved it! I don't know why more people haven't reviewed!
ellequoi chapter 11 . 4/2/2011
Hee! Great story. I was grinning like mad at the end. You're really good at setting up flirting and romantic tension. Bryony was a cool OC, and I appreciated that Rogue liked her and that you kept her from being a villain just because she was a romantic foil. I probably would've liked to see more of the Supernatural guys - you wrote a fantastic Dean! - but hey, there can always be a sequel, right? ;)

My one technical peeve was that you used too many words instead of 'said', eg 'commented', 'lipped in', which can stick out and become intrusive. I know it can be hard if there are a lot of people talking, but 'said' is kind of an invisible word and no one will notice if you reuse it. Otherwise, good style.
The Group of One chapter 11 . 10/1/2010
Loved it. :)
tlcroft chapter 11 . 7/29/2010
Can't believe that no one has reviewed this so far. A good interesting story with a nice solid plot. Not enough Supernatural for my tastes but Dean and Sam were solidly in character. It is so like Dean to give Rogue a good kiss to show her just how much he appreciates her. He and Logan are a lot alike and some of it shows in this story.

Your technical skills are good. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.