Reviews for Geniuses of Hard Work
Guest chapter 2 . 7/31
i know this might be unrelated but the constant use of training weight's is bad for the human body
Guest chapter 1 . 7/31
oooooh Kurenai won't like that. She always had a soft spot for Hinata. even before she was a Jonin.
Guest chapter 34 . 7/4
I finished this in less than 2days. It was incredible read. I am looking for more well written stories like this one.
BaddieDZ2 chapter 11 . 5/31
Ah, this is one of those stories where people are fucking retarded. Should've realized sooner, I guess. Jinchuriki are fucking weapons. They're MEANT to USE THE TAILED BEASTS.

Fucking idiot. "You're never to use that power". Dumbass.
fusion721 chapter 5 . 5/23
you got insperation from a scene from Jimmy neutron didn't you?
HH chapter 10 . 5/15
What an amazing chapter. Truly, thank you so much.
Now all I want is for Zabuza to adopt Hinata and everything would be perfect
Dio Genus chapter 34 . 5/9
You know... it’s been several years since I last read this story. During the interim I always viewed it as one of the best Naruto stories I have read. While it does not go into the insane power creep that plagued the later parts of the series I explores the characters and growth in a distinctly enjoyable manner. It held up well even when I compared it to how I remembered it through the lens of nostalgia. This story is well worth the time to read it.
BlazeStryker chapter 6 . 4/6
The flames of youth, folks... also known as testosterone/progesterone poisoning!
setokayba2n chapter 34 . 4/6
Well, I have to say that I liked the fic, it was a good one. The invasion put down a little "the fire of youth" but it was good, and while it has been nearly 10 years, I hope you decide to make a Hard Work Shippuden
TheWateringWizard chapter 22 . 3/31
Damn I’m scared about that secret weapon...
TheWateringWizard chapter 21 . 3/31
Nice chapter ! I’m hyped for this month of training!
TheWateringWizard chapter 20 . 3/31
I really hate Suna... Poor Temari...

Well now we’re fixed, Kabuto is a cunt ! That I can live with
TheWateringWizard chapter 19 . 3/31
Jesus fucking Christ that was such an intense Second Exam. Such much stuff happened, I can barely wrap my head around it.

But the main question is: is Kabuto a huge cunt like in canon or actually good (I don’t really believe Kabuto can be a good guy but maybe neutral at best...)
TheWateringWizard chapter 18 . 3/31
I’m still shocked from the previous chapter... you killed one of my favourite character in Naruto so it’s gonna take time to be okay. But I wanted to say that the fights were nonetheless fantastic. So well described and varied ! It makes the fight against three of the Sound four seem super easy in comparaison (when you compare the time they took writing-wise). Now let’s see how Sakon and Ukon lose their pityful life
TheWateringWizard chapter 17 . 3/31
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