Reviews for Welcome to New Athos Jennifer Keller
Clio Trismegista chapter 13 . 10/15/2019
Oh Jennifer, you are so awkward with love too. It's ok her reaction after her trauma, but it hurts to see that all that pain could have been avoided with a little more talk.

Anyway, thanks for the fluffy in the last episode. I needed it.
Clio Trismegista chapter 12 . 10/15/2019
"I killed him" "Good girl" - Gosh, you rocked there! I wish I could buy a book with that to give to my niece. Teach her to fight and not to cower.

The rescue scene was great. I have nothing to say but that you have been improving a lot in those last fics. And I can say that since I've been reading them mostly in chronological order.
Clio Trismegista chapter 11 . 10/15/2019
YEAH! FINALLY, SOME ACTION! And by Jennifer! I get that she didn't actually wanted to kill the guy, but... way to go, girl!

Now, it was a good idea to put Jen's imagination in overdrive. It was so relatable her thoughts about torture and all. Specially when she thought that Rodney could reject her if she was raped and tortured... it's a stupid thing, but very common between the victims of those things, unfortunately...
Clio Trismegista chapter 10 . 10/15/2019
Really good. I was expecting more action, but maybe next chapter...
Clio Trismegista chapter 9 . 10/15/2019
Now the action begins... Any chance of a fighting scene?
Clio Trismegista chapter 8 . 10/15/2019
You did a good job with O'Neill and Rodney trading words. O'Neill isn't exactly a direct confrotation guy, but it seem credible to me that he would go full general if he tought Mckay was taking advantage of his niece. I mean, Rodney didn't have exactly a good track record...
Clio Trismegista chapter 7 . 10/15/2019
Wow... Reading about Jennifer's fear of bridges took back to my childhood. I was very afraid of crossing them when I was a child. I remember that my grandfather used to take long detours in order to avoid any bridge, specially those where I could see the water. I would panick if they tried to cross with me in the car. It ended when I learned how to swim, though. "

Now, are we going to have a confrotation in the next chapter?
Clio Trismegista chapter 6 . 10/15/2019
Good chap.
Clio Trismegista chapter 5 . 10/15/2019
And so the chasing begins. I must confess that I didn't like that episode very much. I was frustrated with the situation all the time. I don't mind Jennifer failing, but the way they described her was to childish for me. I liked your chapter better.
Clio Trismegista chapter 4 . 10/15/2019
No problem about Jack being a bit OOC. It's not like he wouldn't go after Rodney on the serie if he thought that Mckay was being an ass.

Now, I loved the Teyla - Jen interaction. It always struck me as weird that we didn't have so many Rodney - Teyla scenes in the serie. I mean, she is like a natural leader even though John is around, and she really has that vibe of protector of all. It stands to reason that she would extend that protection to the only not-warrior of the group.
Clio Trismegista chapter 3 . 10/15/2019
Yeah... Sheppard's reasoning could work with 14-year-old girls... no wonder he was divorced.

Now, what a kiss!
Clio Trismegista chapter 2 . 10/15/2019
Tsc tsc tsc... Jen, honey, if it was only physical Rod would have jumped on you right away. Well, anyway, it's sad when a girl is ready and the guy is trying to take it slow. I can't imagine how horrible it would be being ready to take the next step and him telling me that I need to sleep early.
Clio Trismegista chapter 1 . 10/15/2019
Robert and Jack are really good friends. Kind of reminds me of some of my dad's friends. Are going to see Jack going full general in Rodney's ass?
kasiaeliza chapter 8 . 11/9/2016
It is a little hypocritic from Jack "beautiful, intelligent blonde and 13 years younger" :) He talks about Jennifer but he can describe Sam as well.
I laughed in this chapter a lot :)
kasiaeliza chapter 1 . 11/8/2016
Well, in this way Rodney should call Sam "aunt" in near future:) I love it.
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