Reviews for A Hogwart's Tale
Granatapfel chapter 23 . 11/23/2014
So Harry gave Draco the boot to simultanesly be an asshole and a martyr, or what? Douchebag.
And why would Draco want him back? The bastard rejected him twice already, time to move on and get revenge by living well
Fic was ok. To be good it needed rewriting. It's too rpg-ish to really work as a story.
Lori94 chapter 31 . 1/31/2012
What a crazy way to end it! I'm going right to Part 2!
sunneedee chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
What? How can Ron and Hermione be head boy and head girl? You said Malfoy was head boy. You do know that there is only one pair, right? A boy and a girl each selected from any of the houses to represent the whole school.
dominygringa chapter 1 . 3/8/2011
loved it
WishesintheNightSky chapter 3 . 1/29/2011
You know...I didn't read the author's notes at the top when I started to read this, so I kept wondering why this changes the point of view every time a different main character started to talk and compared it to roleplay style, but then I finally read it during the next chapter, and I literally thought, 'Oooohhhh...that makes sense. o.o''


I love this, I really do, and I probably adore you now for being a fellow yaoi roleplayer, but maybe you should've edited this a little so that it wouldn't have been as disorienting for the reader?
veryveryverydeadaccount chapter 30 . 1/28/2011
okay. im totally confused. what was with that ending? and whats with how quickly years passed each time? i really dont understand...
BlaiseLynn chapter 2 . 1/1/2011
I like it, beleive me i do.

But, i'm not sure i like the idea of every paragraph switching point of veiws...and kind of over lapping eachother. Like in one paragraph Harry says something then curses Draco and laughs. But right after that, Draco says something to harry then harry laughs. Its kind of disorientating.
Belle A Lestrange chapter 4 . 12/5/2010
ooh yey a room together ;)
Belle A Lestrange chapter 3 . 12/5/2010
Great chapter it was truly wonderful
Belle A Lestrange chapter 2 . 12/5/2010
hehehe aw poor draco in a maids outfit mmmm *drool*
Belle A Lestrange chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Such a wonderful first chapter well done I cannot wait to read the rest x
Noke chapter 4 . 11/8/2010
I've only read the first four chapters thus far, however I do have a few comments. I love the plot line so far! I'm highly amused. But it seems as if this story was written back and forth through some IM service (Yahoo/AIM) perhaps? I feel the story would read better if it could be rewritten so there aren't two paragraphs from Harry's POV and then two paragraphs from Draco's POV.

Please don't take this as a flame! I love the story and it is well-written, I just think it could use a tune-up. )

Keep up the great work!
buffypoynter chapter 31 . 11/2/2010
Why? why couldnt you just let them have a happy ending? i hate it when my happy endings get ruined, it makes me feel as though i wasted a bunch of time reading the previous story :( could you please make it happy again really quick? i don't know about other readers but i personally find it very hard to read stories that aren't going the way things should be (AKA draco and harry NOT being together)so in part two can you make theym get back together super fast? or better yet make teddy remember and give harry a couple of nudges in the right direction :)but i will read part two just because i really liked this story and i want to see harry and draco BACK TOGETHER AGAIN! thanks :)
crazy-nerd chapter 30 . 9/28/2010
i love this story! i can't believe it is almost over! :(

love the hole garden gnome thing. that was sooooo cute! keep up the good work!

P.S. you should wright some kind of vampire fic! that would be AWSOME!

tonks-666 chapter 30 . 9/28/2010
You make me so sad! I was so hoping that it would end on a happy note, but no, you have to make it all be a dream! Oh well, it's still really good and I give you both slash-flavored cookies!
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