Reviews for L'Incorruptible
Guest chapter 5 . 5/31/2015
Just so you know les mis is the paris uprising of 1862 not the french revolution
Tre Corde chapter 9 . 6/19/2014
Wow. The voice of each and every character...flawlessly captured. France's grand philosophizing is always entertaining, as is the endless banter. You've this sly sort of humor that tends to take one by surprise; it's wonderful.

I do so like your interpretation of Robespierre and co. You write the historical scenes with a grace that is in equal parts compelling and baffling. Baffling, because I had not previously been aware that I was at all interested in the French Revolution. And because I generally find long-winded, France-style dissertations to be tiresome—yet when you write I am riveted. This is truly curious. What on earth did you put in the digital ink when you penned this?

Anyway. It is now 2014, and I'm quite aware that this review is frightfully late, and this story unlikely to ever be updated. I'm uncertain if you'd even see this, but I wanted to leave a comment anyway because I think your work is marvelous and I wanted to thank you.

So, thank you. I hope you are doing well, wherever you are.
TheNinthNavigator chapter 5 . 5/15/2012
Oh my goodness. This has been my favorite chapter so far! I absolutely loved the conversation at the end between Robespierre, Danton, Desmoulins, and France. You have clearly done your research!

I especially liked the part about orange tart being Robes' only weakness. It's so adorable ;w;

Overall, I really like your writing style. I think you absolutely nailed France's character. This, I can honestly say, is the most interesting fanfiction I have ever read.

I'm curious to see if Saint-Just will make an appearance, and the only way to find out would be to end this review and read on.

Very good job so far!
Bleu chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
Oh God, I don't think I can even begin to describe my admiration for this immaculately written text. It's just simply brilliant, humorous but not over the top, serious but not glum, witty but not overtly so and most importantly woven with history.

I simply loved it!

Are you not going to update this anytime soon? I long to read more! Well done on this.
NopeJustMe chapter 9 . 4/7/2011
Ah this is lovely. There's so much I didn't know about the French Revolution- it makes me want to research it XD The characters are all perfect in this. Not over the top or turned into villains to suit the time, perfectly tuned for this fic. You deserve more reviews! Please update soon.
pretentious kneecap chapter 9 . 11/26/2010
When I started reading this, I skipped most of the historical stuff and did a huge amount of skimming. With each chapter, I read more and more of France's writing. By this chapter, I'm.. really, yanno, reading it. Which, um, is saying something 'cause I'm a terrible audience, really, I've not the best of attention spans. But yeah, my interest was captured enough that I'm sitting here at four AM eating apple pie leftover from Thanksgiving, reading about the French Revolution.

Is it sad that I get excited whenever I recognize something you're referencing? I mean, like, not.. general stuff, but just little things. Like, "Rationality was my raison d'être." I'm collecting notes for a term paper on Frederick II, and what was the last sentence I copied from one of my sources (a book by, ah.. Gerhard Ritter, I believe) into my notes? "He tried to apply these concepts in his early political and historical writings, and soon came to realize that French foreign policy had by no means consistently followed the principles of the raison d'etat." Then it goes on to talk about Louis XIV and Frederick's impressions of the French and blah blah blah. I dunno, I just like it when different things tie together.

I'm appreciative of that bit you included about Robespierre's fondness for fruit tarts. I'm glad to have learned that. It seems like the kinda fun fact that'll never, ever help you in life, but is somehow still totally worth knowing.

I'm looking forward to the next update.
Lone Star Girl chapter 9 . 11/23/2010
*squeals incohertly at the France/America* Can never get enough of that pairing. And England's letter had me giggling. Very... Well, England.
Lone Star Girl chapter 8 . 11/23/2010
Oh, poor France, having to follow one of his wanted revolutionaries into the sewers... I don't know if I've said this beforeor not, but I LOVE the interactions between Arthur and Francis and Alfred. It's just so perfect and in charactor. I wish I could write dialogue like that. And come on, Arthur, you know you love it when France calls you cabbage. XD
AllHeroesWearHats chapter 9 . 11/15/2010
Once again, wonderfuly long, well written, smooth flow and overall brilliance :D

Thanks for updating and for adding all the detail - I can't wait for your update~

Reaper-Lawliet chapter 8 . 10/31/2010
Why haven't I review this yet? ;; I'm kinda forgetful, sorry.

Anyways, I really love this so far. You're a talented writer, and I really enjoy the historical aspects of this fic, especially since I love historical Hetalia fics in general (we seriously need more of those...). I really love the way you write England, too. Some of his lines made me crack up, especially the bit with the cabbage. XD

Update soon!
ultimatebishoujo21 chapter 7 . 10/24/2010
I wonder wats gonna happen next
Lone Star Girl chapter 7 . 10/24/2010
Would I mind France/America? OF COURSE NOT! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, WOMAN! Or man. This is the internet so I guess you never know. But most of the Hetalia fandom is girls, sooo... But seriously. We do not have nearly enough France/America in this fandom. It's such a great pairing, but you rarely ever see it. So don't apoligize for it, you just made my day! The only disappointment was I was kind of hoping England would switch into 'Prctective-Daddy Mode' and yell at France. Because I can totally see France taking America to prom or something and England finding France beforehand and threatening him, like 'Alfred had better come back at 12 o'clock sharp with his virginity in tact or I am castrating you, Frog' XD And pfffft. France and his 'endearments' Do I want to know what papillon means? Love the irony in France getting asked what right he has to speak for his country. Well, yeah, he sort of IS his country. Oh dear, it seems I've reached the end. I will be stalking my inbox, er, I mean, eagerly awaiting updates for this. ) Can't wait for the Reign of Terror!
Lone Star Girl chapter 6 . 10/24/2010
Yeah, I got a book out on the French Revolution and it said something totally different about the march on Versailles than what Mrs. Steele told us. I love England letter, it's just so... so... England. And France's reply is great. They would never admit it, but deep down they care about each other. 3 And *le gasp* ORDERING PIZZA! *faints* I really can't get enough of the history, it's awesome! You must super intelligent, researching history and all that. I think you metioned that you were British in the last chapter, that's probably why. You British people are so much smarter than us Americans. I'm sorry, Alfred, but it's true. XD I wish there were more fics like this.
Lone Star Girl chapter 5 . 10/24/2010
lol, France, trolling, really? Poor Robespierre, no one can spell his name! Well, it a long one. I usually have to find it somewhere in the chapter so I don't mispell it. But I like 'Robertspiere', I may start refering to him as that. Orange tart... Yes, that has been the downfall of many great men... *shakes head sadly* Was 'Robertspiere' really called 'L'Incorruptible' or did you come up with that?
Lone Star Girl chapter 4 . 10/24/2010
Awww, poor France, with America and England teasing him about not being all tech-savy. That's okay, France, I still live in the stone ages as well. Up until a month ago I didn't even have a cell phone, and it took me a while to figure out how to text. Those youngsters and their newfangled whachamacallits... They need to get off my lawn! D *shakes cane* I like how Robespierre is all 'BEHAVE FRANCIS!' He knows his country, lol. 'Yes, Francis, that means you can't date rape anyone' And France's little rant about the inaccurate facts was cool too. I bet a lot of nations would get mad because the history books get stuff wrong. I know I would.
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