Reviews for Hate
howardrhonda828 chapter 1 . 7/8
This is actually pretty good. This fic seems to understand the Ruffs on a level beyond romance. The boys were made to destroy and the girls were made to heal. They don't go to school and they don't have proper role models so they don't really know anything else.
Lighting's Halo chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
Great insight.
Saweela chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
oh my gosh this is so touching. thank you very much for writing such beautiful fic.
Tsukimine12 chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
So deep, love it!
Blue Lagoon Loon chapter 1 . 10/18/2015
I have been looking for a story like this, and I am glad you have created it. A very interesting look at the minds of the Rowdyruff Boys, and their feelings towards their enemies, their 'parent's, and the circumstances of their existence.

The tone of the overall story was very good, and I enjoyed it immensely.
overlordpringerx chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
hopefully there will be a sequel :3
Simple chapter 1 . 9/24/2013
This story truly holds a lot of meaning. I wonder if it was from your experiences even. In a way, I feel connected and touched. You manage to place the reader in the red ruff's shoes. You showed another sight of the rrb which was realistic.

Please keep up. This may be a one-shot, but it holds weight.
Mystic Shadow Demon chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
Oh gosh. I'm so glad that I stumbled upon this one-shot, yet quite sad that I didn't do so earlier. Though, I'm still wondering why you only have 8 reviews. Something this magnificent and brilliant should have at /least/ 150.

Your grammar and vocabulary is really polished, and the way your words just flow is so effortless and perfect! And I really love how you managed to capture the mood perfectly in this. In fact, I really loved how you went in depth with it, and showed a side to the Rowdyruff Boys most people don't get to see or think. I always loved toying with this idea and was actually about to write a one-shot like this, but I see that someone has already done that. And I'm proud to say that that person did an amazing job.

The mood and emotion in this is just so captivating and brilliant. It's as if you know the characters so well that you become them. And the ending was even more brilliant. It left an extra effect on the reader, and shows so much depth, angst, and how the boys are so close, yet they really don't know each other despite being what they've got left.

I also like how you explored into the terrain where one is "lucky" even if they go to school and whatnot. I think you've opened up many readers' eyes to that fact, seeing as how most people don't find themselves lucky and cannot be thankful or grateful for just the littlest of things they have. So it was really cool to see the Rowdyruff Boys think in that perspective.

Seriously loved it.
Itanu chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
Moonphase 9,

This story is AWESOME! I've been wanting to do something very much like this, myself. I cannot express my positive feelings enough that someone else thinks about this, too.

As far as I see, spelling and grammar are great- though, there's a typo near the beginning in which "sweaty" and "arm" are fused together.

Now, just so you know, I don't think this is OOC at ALL. I think this is a great story that sticks with the Rowdyruffs' shown behavior while exploring a deeper part of who they are. Indeed, I've always thought that the Boys (or at least Brick) might not be quite so chauvinistic as they have seemed to express, though there's little denial in their love of destruction.

And, as children- Super-Powered or not- I think it makes sense that deep down, they do feel a desire for love, acceptance, and even friendship.

Though I could go on forever about why I like this story so much, it's probably for the best that I conclude at some point; however, I also would like to point out at least two more things I enjoy about this story: For one, the description of Brick's feelings during "Custody Battle"; and secondly, the way the story concludes.

In short, very well done! I find there to be far too many lather-rinse-repeat shipping stories in this section that go repeatedly Out Of Character and use the High School Drama formula over and over... but infinitely more appalling than that, is that they seem to ignore the RRB's as characters, favoring instead to use them as pairing items.

In writing this story, you have brought a huge peace to me, by letting me know that I'm not the only author who wishes to fill that gap.

In short, this is a magnificent oneshot, and you have my Congratulations, Thanks, and Reverence for writing and posting it for us all to see.

Until next time, Moonphase 9!

Signed with Humility,

Itanu the Author.
CounterExist chapter 1 . 6/26/2011
I liked the story! or maybe not story, telling like a narrator. How do you know all these stuffs? so scientific and realy angst. :) anyway, are you going to continue! pls continue!
Bree4ever chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
cool :)
Un Auteur Sexy chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
Oh yes please please please continue! If you don't...I'll cry.
canzie chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
bah dah oo wee
56699003 chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
Great job! I loved it.
souhoku chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
This was pretty good. Interesting. Seriously...the poor boys...
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