Reviews for How to be a Dragonologist
Corinne chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
Let's do some math!

Okay there are 6 viking kids mentioned in the movie, but you know that there have to be other kids in Berk - At one point you even SEE some. Let's say that on average in Berk there are 8 kids that will live till adulthood born per year, give or take. I don't know how old Hiccup is in you story (by the way - GREAT JOB) but He is obviously in high school.

ANYWAYS back to the math. so 8 is the bare minimum of kids per year born in berk without really adding any OC students into the mix.

8 times 12 96

96 is almost HALF of your population of Berk. which is kind of a stretch, seeing as these kids need to have two parents each, unless they are siblings, or if they have stepparents. 104 people is not enough to fill a town with 96 kids, and this is WITHOUT taking into consideration the adults who have no kids in school.

All of this was taking into consideration that this is the viking village from the movie, not a modern town with a much larger carrying capacity - 4000 people is considered tiny - I would go with something like 2000 people in berk.
Capt H.M Murdock chapter 15 . 6/3/2011
While this chapter is short and it sort of sets us up for whatever you plan to do in the next chapter. I hope you will continue with this story is is very interesting. I may have to go look up books on Dragonology now. Keep up the great work and please update this story soon
marmelada chapter 15 . 5/23/2011
Toothless in next chapter? Please?

Good story, looking forward for the rest of the plot to unfold.

Perhaps I should go fishing to learn patience
Beastial Moon chapter 15 . 5/20/2011
Better than I expected it to be. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Backroads chapter 15 . 5/20/2011
Gasp! Heck, I'm just glad you wrote again!

It was thoughtful and lovely... so... anymore, soon?
Voldyne chapter 15 . 5/19/2011
bah hate when I get into an updated story and then all of the sudden I'm at the last chapter...

wonderful story so far really hope you continue after school is out...
ahoykailee chapter 2 . 1/27/2011
It's very good, but I can definitely tell it needs some more grammatical corrections. I'm not quite so far yet, and I would love to read more! I just hope the huge paragraphs dont pose a problem to my eyeballs. :)
Duchess Delanie chapter 14 . 1/22/2011
I think Astrid should learn sign language. It's so handy. Once again, amazing description. I would almost say this is moving too slowly, but I can't as you seem to be setting something up, so please, take your time.

I'm also wondering how much I should trust Aurore.
Duchess Delanie chapter 13 . 1/22/2011
I"m behind. I'm sorry!

I like this more studious version of dragon training. It fits Hiccup's personality so much better, and heck if I don't like the idea of this portrayal of Gobber. The empress dragon was amazing, and I love the lyrical infusion.

Beautiful descriptions of everyting.

And you have quite the witchy woman here as your villain!
Backroads chapter 14 . 1/3/2011
Happy New Year to you! Nice in between chapter to set up everything. Excellent visuals. I think I would have liked a little more action, but I will say it's nice to get the setting and you did everything so well and I dare say you snuck in a few details that might or might not be meant to notice. The one portrait in particular intrigues me and I wonder about the man in it. The portrait of his mother was extremely poignant. I love all the details of her in this story. It's nice to know that she is contributing to it. I loved the line about the possibility of missing something you never had.

Maids. Teehee. I really like them, and you give them such distinction and personality. There is such a variety of them... and now I'm wondering if I should trust all of the servants in this situation.

Ooh... Astrid and fantasy! I want to see more of this! I just love the whole sci-fi/fantasy infusion you have stuck into this. It's just plain cool and I love all these signs of Astrid's importance without ever really bothering to tell us anything. D
4ever2010 chapter 14 . 1/1/2011
Great update, and Happy New Year to you. Hope to see the next chapter soon!
Solum Ambulantem chapter 14 . 1/1/2011
a really good story, cant wait for the next one.
AirBendingDragonOfNarnia chapter 1 . 12/19/2010

I have not even read this story yet but I love it all ready!

Kataang Forever!
Christopher Scott chapter 13 . 11/28/2010
Interesting... Great job on this chapter. Please update at your , Christopher Scott: A Gentleman Thief
The-Sun-Princess chapter 6 . 11/28/2010
You mean Fishlegs father, not Fishless right?
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