Reviews for The Fall of Icarus
Guest chapter 8 . 6/4/2015
Like many other reviewers have previously stated, this story is great and just because Neji/Naruto isn't a popular pairing it doesn't mean that your readers are going to stop reading. The way you portray, like, everything is absolutely beautiful and amazing. I like how you also delved into Hyuga clan politics and it was simply so very realistic. I want you to know that "The Fall of Icarus" is spectacular and if you continue being a writer, you have the potential to make it big. Like Rowling big though unlike her your characters are thankfully much more fleshed out and have

You also, thankfully, portrayed Hinata very realistically. Her meekness and so far lack of any real strength in personality fit how she is at his point of time canon. It's almost sad how so many fanfics glorify Hinata and make her some sort of genius or prodigy when in reality she isn't. The beauty in Hinata's character lies in the fact that she changes from a weak- willed quitter to a sort of respectable figure in canon. Evidence in this story points towards the conclusion that you understand this fact and accept it unlike a good number of fanfic authors. Thank you for being awesome and being realistic.

P.S. I'm also curios about what's going to happen to Hanabi and Sasuke. Will Hanabi change for the better or become completely tainted by the darkness of the clan she was unfortunate enough to be born into? How will this plot affect Sasuke and his future?

P.P.S. How will Hinata react to NejiNaru or NaruNeji when the pairing finally, like, happens? Will she be a rival or a supporter? Jealous or understanding?
duchessme chapter 8 . 9/28/2013
too bad you're not continuing.i do like the story and the pairng of course
Ginshi-chan chapter 8 . 6/13/2013
I'm sorry you don't think your story is worth continuing, just because the pairing is unpopular. I think that's a horrible way to feel about a story you put so much time and effort into.

While this may never be updated again, I'm still going to follow and favorite. I went into this story rather skeptical about the pairing but willing to give it a chance for a chance to see the storyline.

After reading all of your story I can't help but feel it's a shame you won't continue because of everyone else's opinions being more popular.

Your story is inspiring me here, right now, to go looking for more work with this pairing. The way you set up the story is *believable* and *mesmerizing*.

More works need this thought and love and character-insight in regards to pairings your's has.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of my assumptions, and don't let the people of different opinion get you down.

777angeloflove chapter 8 . 4/11/2013
love it!
darkstardragon432 chapter 8 . 3/27/2013
please update soon love it
arccie chapter 8 . 11/4/2012
I absolutely adore this story.
You have managed to capture the dynamic of Neji and Naruto in a way that is believable way without having to remove them from the canon background. I also love how very much detail you've put into developing the Hyuuga branch house underground. The entire story is just a really enthralling read.
I'm sorry to hear that you've been harassed by other people's opinions on pairings. I understand the frustration of writing a rare pairing and not having it be appreciated because it's the fandom's suuposed OTP.
It's a real pity Neji/Naruto isn't a more popular pairing as they have a very interesting formative meeting experience.

If you manage to do as good a job writing your own story as you have done at filling in teh gaps for Kishimoto for this story I'd be really interested in your original work so I'll definitely drop by your LJ.

Thanks for the extremely enjoyable read that has been my experience with "The Fall of Icarus".
girl1213 chapter 4 . 9/28/2012
Konoha's Beautiful "Blue" Beast? Isn't it suppose to be green? ?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
I have to read this for homework ahhh this will take me for ever
Elelith chapter 8 . 9/6/2012
Lovely story, a bit cruel to leave us hanging when they meet but I'm off to see if you've made headway on the original fic... Loved how this fic was more than romance, the clan dynamics were very much at play...
Lil Miss Morningstar chapter 8 . 7/20/2012
Story on haitus? nooooooo... just when the going was getting good...

Once again, I repeat that it is sad to see such a potential paring get so little attention. Cannon be dammed, Sasuke is too much of a self-obsessed prink to even bat so much of an eye lash towards Naru for anything more that a one night stand or some kind of 'enemies with benefits' thing going on. So screw that, I still say Neji has greater potential.

Other than that, looks like someone's been having a little Hyuga fetish going on. Genma sure has been having a rough time, ne? Kinda feel sorry for the guy, but who knows, he might still find himself a legal-aged Hyuga to cuddle yet.

As to Naruto's return, its nice to see the lovable little idiot back. Now you got me seriously curious as to what kind of little ideas and fantasies Naruto has been having since he tagged along with Jiraiya. Initially I expected Naru to be his usually clueless self, but since it looks like he might be having a crush of his own on Neji... well, them be some pretty plot bunnies I wanna see! But i guess i might not get to see what Naruto has been thinking during the time skip since you are putting this story on hold to work on your original one.

At any rate, take care, and I hope your original story becomes a success. And if you ever come back to work on this little story on FF, I'll be sure to read it!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/16/2012
Twisted and kind of dark but interesting. Will you still be posting it here? It would be greatly appreciated if you did. Hope to see more updates soon. Great job hun. Love ya!
tati1 chapter 8 . 6/20/2012
Score! They finally met!
MoonClaimed chapter 8 . 6/13/2012
I'm really sorry to hear that because I've enjoyed this fic while it lasted. Good luck with it as an original story though!
Slashpet chapter 8 . 6/13/2012
I have been really enjoying your story and hope that you do decide to complete it at some point. I personally prefer the more unusual pairings, and among my favourites are Naruto/Neji and Naruto/Shikamaru, which there are sadly far too few of. That does not mean I begrudge anyone else their right to their own preferences; if the pairing is not to my taste, I simply don't read it. Either way, good luck with your original story.
Breseis25 chapter 2 . 6/13/2012
Just read the first two chapters. Sadly I have a graduation to head to in a couple of hours and I need sleep.

Neji is absolutely amazing. The way he thinks, more so the way you describe it as well as the dynamics of the Hyuuga is so interesting.

I shall continue to read :D
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