Reviews for Room Service
snowwygirl4 chapter 1 . 10/24/2012
It was cute! I'm not the biggest fan of Jaitlyn but I wanted to test the waters plus the mention of 'The Birds' was something that I couldn't pass up on missing. But anyways it was really good and cute. :)
Mew-Mew-Brittany-Chan chapter 1 . 7/20/2010
my untold fairy-tale chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
This was adorable. I forgot how much I like some Jason/Caitlyn fluff. I don't blame her for wanting to kill Shane. Psh, Hitchcock is freaky. I've never seen The Birds though. I like Caitlyn's PJs, I use the cat's pajamas phrase as often as possible, then again I also say "the bee's knees" too. It was cute to see them snuggled together.

Also, I was watching Scooby-Doo while reading this, so I got a laugh out of the fact that they were watching it too.

A little fluff to start my Sunday morning. Thanks :)
suburbs chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
The use of Hitchcock's birds was brilliant. Loved it!
angellwings chapter 1 . 7/10/2010
*applause* LOVE IT! I know I've told you this! But my stomach did this flip flop thing that it does when I read particularly adorable fanfiction! Great work! This is being favorited!