Reviews for Unhealed Wounds
doyleshuny chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
AAAWWW The poor little guy. I'm glad that Tobias got it straightened out. That was sweet. I loved it.
Menthol Pixie chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
Nice work! I liked it!
Ash8 chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
That was fabulous. Love the extra insight into what Sam is feeling over John's abuse. Tobius is an awesome protector and grandfather and he handed the situation perfectly.

Thanks so much for this. :)
Deej1957 chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
Very nicely done! I love the the images of Sam in his baby puppy form, just adorable.

I'm glad you addressed the problem of John; something like Sam experienced with him wouldn't just disappear overnight and his reaction to Tobius was spot on.
skag trendy chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
Aw! This was so sad and sweet. Poor Sammy, so scared Tobius was about to hurt him. And bless Tobius for handling his scared grandson so gently.

Cheers hon. Loved it!

Kind regards,

ST xxx
jenilee chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
This is wonderful. I just adore Tobius, he's exactly the kind caring, tough personality Sam needs to help him get past the emotional trauma that John caused.
sammygirl1963 chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
That was awesome. You're very good at writing iin Skag Trendy's Shades of Night werewolf verse. I love the fact that you chose to write how much Sam was affected by the abuse he had suffered at John's hands. I never once thought about how that might affect him the first time Tobius got onto him about something. I'm glad the senior wolf immediately sensed what was going on.

You should write more of these oneshots!
Phx chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
That was awesome. I was hoping someone would write something a bit more indepth about Sam's lingering trauma from the abuse. There is no way the kid could have just shaken it off. Nicely done. Love protective and worried Tobius, even if it meant Dean got hurt a bit in the mix (oops, did I say that? LOL! Sorry, I just prefer my Sammy a bit dented, lol!)