Reviews for I am already king
Anitoon3 chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
Hi there!

Woah, this is cool. :)

That'd be creepy to be in like, pitch blackness.

Good thing Shiro's there with Ichigo! :)

Thanks for making this!

~ Anitoon3
BeTrueToThyself chapter 1 . 7/21/2010
I'm sorry, but I have to admit - I didn't really get it. There were only pronouns and no names, so I couldn't figure out when it was Ichigo and when Hichigo. It was all blurred together, which is cool sometimes, but confusing if it lasts too long. If I understood it better, then it would've been really sweet.
PrisonBrokeHost chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
Geez. That last line was eerie... I liked it! I really think you should write a multi-chap. Anyways, I do however you should reserve I am known to Knights and Horses and the Desert for yourself. You ARE the author. You should have the honor of choosing the last pick. Go for it!
CottonballLOL chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
I doubt there are alot of people that enjoy Shiro as much as i do. There's not alot to say here. I liked the prompt, the pairing, and the poetic way about their relationship. Gomen nasai for disappearing off the face of the planet, tasteslikemiso. *bows*