Reviews for Criminal Intent
Roses2470 chapter 5 . 7/24
For your reminder "Hurry the hell up!"
Risa144 chapter 5 . 6/10
Hello! Just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful fic, it was really a good read. Hope you're doing well as well
Leviathian chapter 5 . 4/26
Woof, it’s been almost a whole decade since this story went silent, and it’s ur only one. Maybe the real phantom all along was you

I loved it while it lasted! Thank you for making it
returning pearls chapter 5 . 11/26/2019
Dear Xialdon,
While I understand your thoughts on not wanting to post anything new unless it is perfect being a perfectionist and all that. I just wanted to let you know that by allowing yourself to make mistakes you will be able to let yourself grow. Your fan fiction was great and I want to see more regardless of the mistakes and I am fine with your writing style get better and better as time goes on. In fact you can even repost the story to perfection if you want. The point is that if you keep on getting caught on the story being perfect you won't be able to post anything because there are no qualifications to a story being perfect. I look forward to reading more of your wonderful stories.
Dwyr chapter 5 . 11/7/2019
...OK...Alors...là tout de suite, j'espère vraiment que tu es déjà mort grâce a Conan parce que sinon je vais finir en prison.
Les bonnes fanfictions où la façon d'écrire et de décrire l'intelligence de KID et Shinichi sont vraiment rares a mon goût, sans compter l'action ,l'humour et l'étrangeté des Braquages. Alors VRAIMENT j'attendais la suite avec impatience,avant d'etre incroyablement déprimée. Je n'ai plus rien a lire, et je vais m' ennuyer a mourir maintenant jusqu'à une nouvelle distraction.
2019 maintenant, ils ont sortit un film cette année avec KID, si tu es a court d'inspiration, je ne sais pas.

Bref, merci si tu as lu ce message jusque ici.J'écris en Français simplement parce que c'est la seule langue que je sais écrire, pour lire j'utilise des applis. Bref, gentiment comme tu l'as demandé maintenant. On est en 2019, tu ne liras probablement pas ça, mais,...Continue s'il te plaît.
Pinesterrrr chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
Came back to this and realized I haven’t reviewed yet, so I figured I should. This is a great fic, I really love it so far. Just kinda upset it was left on a cliff hanger that extreme! xD well it’s a great fic and I love me some exasperated/sick-of-your-shite Shinichi and Kaito KID the petty adrenaline junkie

Anyways, lOvE tHiS FiC sO mUcH uGh
Miko Vampire chapter 5 . 5/25/2019
Get the feeling that not only is Kid going tell all his fans that Nanmori is trying to ruin his fun at hiests by banning Kudo Shinichi making his fans really mad at him and his men but he'll also say that unless Kudo comes to his hiests to face him then he'll start keeping what he steals, giving Nakamori no other choice but to make Shinichi attend in order to not only make the people happy (deep down he's nervus about what Kid fans can and will do)but also to make sure the owners of Kid's targets get thier jewels back LOL!

Please tell me you're going to start up this story again soon!
yuutojaden chapter 5 . 5/6/2019
please continue
HorizonOneNightStar chapter 5 . 10/9/2018
Aunque hubiera preferido un "apurate infierno" como tradujo google traductor amablemente para mí, has dicho que tenía que ser una version amable, así que veamos...

Tu historia realmente me ha cautivado, los personajes son como deberían ser! Casi siempre no logro encontrar una buena historia y ya que esta lo es, sería una lástima que la abandonaras... Por favor, continúa esta historia, corrije lo que tengas que correjir, propontelo como proyecto de vida si es necesario pero has que la última fecha de actualización sea pronto! Por favor!

Cuando ese momento llegue, te aseguro un comentario mío muy emocionado
Guest chapter 3 . 4/24/2018
Damn Ran and Sonoko's behaviour makes me want to shout into their faces: "If you want KID so bad then go do it yourself you assholes"
Guest chapter 5 . 1/21/2018
Lol, I think it's been only slightly longer than a couple months. But nice writing, anyway.
Fox Fire chapter 5 . 12/26/2017
Please come back soon. I enjoy reading this story as the plot does not immediately go to romance.
Tropicalnight chapter 5 . 5/28/2017
I will not say anything because I'm sure the only thing that will come out of my mouth right now is: You bastard! Excuse my language. BUT WHY!? THIS WAS SO GOOD!
Everica chapter 5 . 4/14/2017
I am anticipating more chapters of this and even if you post the whole thing again, I will read it again! This is amazing and it's perfectly satisfied what I had been looking for. Don't rush or anything, but I'm waiting to hear from you again!
Emerald Time chapter 5 . 3/18/2017
Hey, I was wondering if this story was going to be updated at all? It's been almost 6 years, is this story going to be abandoned?
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