Reviews for The Stones That Build A Well
Guest chapter 17 . 11/18/2015
This story is amazing. I love all the different characters and how you've built them up. It's just fantastic. I plowed through the whole thing in one go! (Well, I had to make food at one point but really...) but you haven't updated in a year! It breaks my heart ( I really really hope you plan to infinite this story. Thank you so much for writing it. Nathiel is such a babe and a heroic character and I love his interactions with Ambryn so much. Annatta is another personal favorite.
I really really hope you update or have moved the fic somewhere!
Hlyah chapter 17 . 5/26/2015
So I just read all of this story, and DAMN! I loved the different subplots, and Ambryn/Nath is such a sexy pairing. Finishing makes me so hungry for more! Your work is a diamond in the rough of Warcraft fanfictions. Best wishes!
AlexanderDeathdwalker chapter 13 . 12/14/2012
...That was one of the hottest things that i have ever read. No joke. you're an awesome writer, i cant think of anywhere you need to improve.
alexiaashfold chapter 16 . 10/13/2012
Beautifully written as before, I particularly enjoyed the sadistic part of K' dzok, which infused a rich tone in the plot. Reciprocally, the prensentation of Ambryn and Nathiel is a bit cloying of its bombardment of sweetness(Especially when I was still savoring some intense stuff in the last chapter and full-scale sweetness barged in), and should be funneled a realistic sense of melancholy. (This chapter is much better concerning this issue and still I'd like to see these two characters more 'savvy' )
Happily Ever Never chapter 15 . 10/3/2012
Hmmm. Poor thing. So little reviews. You deserve more. Still I can guess why.
First things first, I'm a prude. I blush a shame when I read things sexual in nature, and crudeness grates me to the point where I shy from it. I don't think that your story could be any far opposite my normal tastes than possible. But when I found it, I was so enthralledby my disgust I couldn't turn away. Please take that as a massive compliment to your skill.

Ambryn and Nathiel are so lovey Dovey sweet it's sickening. But that is entirely necessary in a piece like this. I see that you have made them the contrast to the darkness that would otherwise make this piece entirely too morbid. Their love is almost like another character that you have built, unyielding and pure, your entire plot is centred around building it up, testing it's strength.

It is the enemy to the rest of your cast.

It is the enemy to his father, a perfectionist. At first It's a tarnish to his image. And not within his control. I love how he is finding ways to manipulate it. You also havent made him 'evil' either. Well done. Mean spirited parents are too cleche. He is entirely reasonable, while still being a dick. Bravo.

Its The enemy of hector who wants such a thing for himself. It's an example of what you can't have staring you in the face. He's a sad but true part of life, so its easy to see why your readers identify with him. It will be interesting to either watch him die lonely, find someone new or become so twisted from what he was originally that he becomes something dark to get what he wants and spoils it in the process. I hope he finds someone else, but with the macabre crew of horde you have, I have doubts that most of your characters are going to escape your story alive let alone trauma free with a happy ending. Poor Hector.

It's enemy to Annatta, who sees it as a two headed snake that she has to keep ahead of, yet desperately wants for herself. Its interesting to see her try and Manipulate it the right way to achieve her ends while not harming ambryn in the process. Tricky.

And to bel. I quiet like him. Hector's counterpart in a way, just with a different approach. Poor bel. He is as likely to meet tragedy as hector, being such a memorable minor cast member. But I make no assumptions about your work. I can't get a read on your direction, which is what makes this all so exciting.

I find your horde characters disgusting and crude. Black hearted filth. I especially dislike your troll. But that's the beauty of his character isn't it? He is supposed to obscenely offend sensibility. In that you've done a glowing job. He is a perfect predator. It was interesting to see him confronted with sex for common pleasure. Almost gives the reader hope that his isn't as bad as you've made him out to be when he partakes in it. Almost.

I was sad when the bloodelf he was travelling with died. Poor fellow. He was growing on me. Plus it's nice that there was someone around your troll (sorry I forgot how to spell his name. It's late, I'm tired) that he didn't want to kill or fuck. That and Belves are pretty. (I'm shallow).

Nab... Meh. She plays her part. I'm not too fussed on her. But then she is female and undead. Disgusting by definition. Not much else to say. (sorry, i hate undead. shallow again)

Reiyad is my favourite character, with nathiel as second. I quiet like him. Your kal'dorei are all great character molds, not typical personalities in yaoi stories, but instead typical men. Ruled by their needs and urges. They are primal and violent. Dangerous and sexy. I like them.

Your characters are in short, amazing. They are some of the most in depth and diverse that I have ever come across in a fic, and they hold well to the the lore of their races. Please don't change them based on reviews, they are all exactly what you need them to be in this story.

Overall your writing is impressive. The scene describing the opera I rate as one of the best pieces of composed text that I have ever read. I actually stopped reading after that part and went to work on my own writing I was that inspired by your skill. You worry a lot about typos, but I see hardly any. Your work is great as is, and I assure you that it is the subject content that has so few people reviewing, not the style and form. The only part that glares to me as something needing critiquing is... How to describe it. It could be as you say, you feel like you have rushed through some parts that maybe could have been stretched out more, but I don't know if it's that exactly.

An example then. This last chapter. You didn't build enough dread about the nightelf prophecy situation for the characters to react so adversely to it. Instead you showed ambryn and Nathiel a picture and gleaned very little of the situation to them in the moment, yet still had Nathiel fly off the handle and ambryn terrorfied. The rest of the chapter justified their reactions. The reader saw what they were so worried about afterwards, and by the end they understood the gravity.

But that's the thing. Their initial reaction felt shallow. They don't know what every one else does. They are guessing at the situation they find themselves in based on very limited info. You do that sometimes I've found. (very rarely). It's what makes Annatta hard to comprehend sometimes. Maybe just concrete the goal or the threat a little clearer from time to time. You've done an excellent job at showing just what type of threat K'troll and the unsealed ipsis (forgot her name too) are. They invoke real terror, and your readers shudder to think of someone crossing their path. You just need to give the same depth to ambryns destiny and Annatta's plot. Flesh out the story there a bit.

Otherwise it's great. I wish you all the inspiration you need as well as a dump truck of motivation. Please get some more of this up, its killing me to know what happens next.

- H.E.N.
(sorry if parts of this are incoherent, it's almost 4 am. If you want me to elaborate on any of my ramblings or think I'm wrong or have a question or whatever PM me, I'd be happy to explain)
Zach chapter 6 . 4/8/2012
This is great! I really enjoy the story as well as your writing style.
alexiaashfold chapter 1 . 3/20/2012
Shortly after finishing reading all chapters, I find story incentives of characters are divisively exhilarating. yet it causes me much trouble figuring out some details clearly. Annatta, for instance, I stil cannot grasp what that devious plan of hers is. Although the Ambryn pair involvement is mentioned again and again, and does that has something to do with building a new sunwell ? (Perhaps by any change I miss the elboration for I tried hard to pick out K'dzok passages...)

Well..K'dzok part, I do not imply I find these parts unenjoyable. because these chapters erect a stark contrast with the primary Ambryn parts, at least I cannot pluck sufficient buffer to read both consecutively. and when concerned with the core plot, Ambryn and K'dzok will meet again ? (stupid to ask) /Faint...constant innocence deprivation, can poor human be granted a moment of peace...

finally, I find Nathiel's personality components are not satisfying. well, I think in a boyxboy couple there should be a partner with perennial wits as in the story I assume this burden is on Nathiel. However I haven't traced much evidences of wit of the night elf all along unless this is what you on purpose planned a flawed partner to be replaced in later chapters, perhaps Hector ? This is again just unsettling. And unaccounted physical violence of him just ascertains my gloom perspective. In my opinion, violence is simply the presentation of naivety. Anyway I'm sure you will continue to thrill us with marvelous plots. Good luck!
alexiaashfold chapter 15 . 3/18/2012
Last chapter almost imprint me the impression that affection confessions between Ambyrn and Nathiel literally secure this is going to be the end of the beginning but not the beginning of a happy end, which is particularly harrowing concerned with the plot of Tybalt and Hector. and perhaps a Hector pairing is your solution to mortality issue ?

And I must contend this prophecy device is a little abruptly imported with hints of massive violence or at least there should be some formal diplomatic dialogue paving the path for such confrontations.
Lainora chapter 13 . 12/16/2011
Just passively reading this, but I feel the need to state:

"He wanted to track down Heironymous, rip off his lower jaw, and listen to him gurgle and struggle to scream while he fucked what was left of the human mage's face before he raped his ass with his own blood as lube."

Best line in the entire thing. I am definitely a K'dzuk fan! :D

I think he may be my favorite character so far, him and Nabby.

The romance and overkill of all-things-tender-and-perfect-and-lovey about Amb and Nath is too fluffy for my taste. I shiver when the word 'love' is entertained so freely in such a small amount of time.

But the sadistc K'd? Ooh baby, I love his whole...everything! I know, totally missing the main focus of this fic, but I don't care. My interests are tied to one ruthless troll and his Night of the Living Dead pet. :)
374837271873 chapter 15 . 9/7/2011
Another brilliant chapter, as usual! _

I did want to ask about something though. I noticed you referred to "Selune" a few times, and I wonder, did you mean Elune? Not sure if that's the case, just thought I'd ask.

Thanks for updating! Can't wait for more. :3

374837271873 chapter 14 . 8/4/2011
You, my friend, are quite possibly one of the best, if not THE best, writer I've seen on this site.

I have to admit, once I started reading this, I ended up staying up all night to finish it. I love the whole Ambryn/Nathiel pairing... they are just so perfect for each other! And the whole "Nathiel finally found his true love after all this time" is totally sweet. :3

I have one other thing to say though... After reading a few other comments, I BEG you not to turn this into a Twilight-like "OMG TEAM EDWARD I MEAN HECTOR-"

Just no. Just no. D:

But yeah! Great story. Loved it. :3 Waiting eagerly for an update!
tiatan101 chapter 14 . 7/22/2011
Wooohoo for updates! Great chapter, was a little confused at the beginning as to who the other elf was, but was like 'OH damn it's him.' The only thing that I think could have been improved maybe (opinions, haha they don't really matter) was a kind of fast ending, it just seemed like it was rushed. I'm also really wanting to know a better explanation between the stark differences in Ambryn's personality, probably getting ahead of myself or the story I guess in this case, BUT ME WANTS TO KNOW~! Haha anyways great chapter, i hope your muse keeps you going!
Bramblespite chapter 14 . 7/16/2011
Now I want to read a story about those actors and singers. Very well written!

If Hector wasn't an ass that refused to take no for an answer, not to mention a kidnapper, I think I'd be cheering for him. Nathiel's such an ass, and if he's not afraid to treat other people badly there's no reason he wouldn't treat Ambryn the same way one day. Eek. He's not just embarrassing himself when he answers the door that way, he's humiliating Ambryn as well and he has to know his actions reflect upon his lover as well, Hector or no. If it weren't for the fact that Nathiel actually treats Ambryn better than everyone around him I'd be cheering for Ambryn's father to win against him, heh!

So, uh, who to root for...

Screw it. Team Annatta! Yeah, she's blatantly using Ambryn but at least she's *nice*!
tiatan101 chapter 13 . 6/12/2011
I would just like to say congratulations on the story so far, really have enjoyed the reading so far. I love the way the characters are playing out so far, the manipulation, the self realization, and the love intrigue/sadism. I do have to say ambryn's character is beginning to surprise me because of the abrupt difference between the two sides of it being shown, though i do enjoy that you are showing a greater depth of plot.

Something i wonder is of nathiel's true intentions, just subtle hints that he's only trying this out and has every intention of dropping ambryn like a hot brick if he figures out he doesn't want the ring on the finger. Maybe i'm just seeing things :)

Looking forward to the whole ashenvale summary and what it has to do with the visions and the interactions that are going to bring the players back together. Anyways i hope you like my first review ever on this site, hope it wasn't too painful to read (i just liked this story so much to write one)
Bramblespite chapter 13 . 4/17/2011
All caught up, yay! \o/

Oh, K'dzok. For a moment you almost had me thinking you were becoming a selfless lover! He's beyond redemption, but - it's still curious to see that little bit of character development there, to see someone actually *want* K'dzok (*Shudder*) and him wanting to pleasure him in return.

I feel sadistic, but when the blood elf's head exploded I laughed. Couldn't believe how stupid she was to just stand in front of K'dzok and taunt him. Pity she didn't live long enough to learn her lesson!

No concrit here except for a few typos ("Mraugon clapsed his hands behind his neck, leaned back, and let him work." - Did you mean K'dzok? Bit confusing there). And something else - when Nathiel and Ambryn finally went at it, IIRC, it was mentioned that, ahem, Nathiel went all the way in. Only, a few chapters before Nathiel had mentioned "truthfully" he was fourteen inches, and... I'm no expert on anatomy, but I'm pretty sure there isn't any way Ambryn could have fitted all that.

Hope to see another update soon!
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