Reviews for Ne'er do Well
serena.jones.585 chapter 1 . 6/25
I just hit the description of Kaiba in the bar. You are now on my favorites list. Forever.
UnpredictableW1tch chapter 6 . 7/15/2017
Don't Stop should completely and totally be Kaiba's theme song. I can just imagine it like his version of the Imperial March whenever he shows up. I love this fic so far, and I can't believe anyone wouldn't find your work absolutely, side-splittingly hilarious. But that isn't a drinking game, that's a one way ticket to alcohol poisoning, which I suppose is fitting, considering what Yami's doing to himself.
Slaycinder chapter 15 . 7/12/2017
This was so much fun to read! Your writing (at least in this story) has a very wry and aggressive feel to it, which is my kink. And I'd say you did the boys justice—I love those stupid edgelords. I liked the outfit choices, too. And dude, the sex scenes were honestly kinda earthshattering (can we take a field trip to that broken sink?). Like realtalk, it's great seeing hardcore horizontal tango-ing that doesn't necessarily call for...power tools and heavy machinery, if you feel me. (That may also just be me lol)
Also, congratulations on getting published! That is so exciting! Maybe I'll take a look~
Anyway, long review is long but I really enjoyed reading this.
(ノヮ)ノ*:・゚ ゚・:
Guest chapter 15 . 4/14/2017
well... (takes a deep breath) wow. So I love the writing. I think there was too much smut (not complaining this is just me lol since i prefer darkness and death and plot and YES i know i'm weird but there you have it). this was ooc but lovely with the characters themselves and I have no idea how the pairing worked but you have an incredible incredible talent with words. glad you got published!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/14/2017
your writing is incredible... jeez. Like I'm not a huge fan of smut for its own sake, but I could live and breathe and drink your writing. Every single freaking sentence is just- I don't know. I keep forgetting to breathe :)
Seth's Kiss chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
I actually read this fic years back when I still didn't have an account and now that I do: I CAN tell you that I LOVED it then as much as I LOVE it now!
It never gets old and I can read it over and over!
So well done!
Thank you for this fic! Bye!
Hirami chapter 9 . 1/14/2016
Hahaha SuitsTies are just the best thing... *purrs* 3
Hirami chapter 8 . 1/13/2016
xD oh my... Yami you're luck you're not dead by now, haha...
btw the drinking game is hilarious, hahaha~
Hirami chapter 7 . 1/13/2016
that was...intense *gulps* awesome chapter and I'm glad for the turn at the end, if Yami really whore'd around I guess I doesn't know what to think.
The last sentence was really sad tho, hnngh D:
Hirami chapter 5 . 1/12/2016
Do I have to say more than “drool“...? nhhh~
Very well written yummy smut.
Hirami chapter 2 . 1/11/2016
ugghhh this was fkin awesome. You described them so perfectly. The way Yami is feeling when he alone is in control was incredible. I felt a little like being able to feel that too.
Whoosh. I'm exited.
Hirami chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
oh my god. That start already has me on the hook. holy shit, that sexual tension between those two, awwrr~
well done. Enjoyed the first chapter already.
Hergan chapter 14 . 6/10/2015
I think you did a good job with this story. Loved that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone to get Kaiba to bottom-it's something I like that the fandom doesn't do too often so thanks! And there were several things that I found funny, probably should have reviewed in each chapter though rather than the whole thing at once to quote directly though. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this fic.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/23/2014
Love this story. Every chapter I was like "wait! Go back to present day dang it!" Then I would really get into the flashback and be like "gaaaah! Go back to the past dang it!"
SynneFox chapter 7 . 4/18/2014
I haven't even finished reading your story, but I just had to stop and alert you to the absolutely, knee-jerking and deliciously depraved smut scene you have just written. Girl this thing is dangerous! Oh Lordy, it had the most...visceral response on me. I was glad I wasn't reading it in public. My God. Anyway, just wanted to praise you on some of the hottest smut I've read in my whole life, and I've read a great quantity of smut. You, my girl, are in my top three.
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