Reviews for The Hill of Swords
Outgund chapter 3 . 7/15
So i read a lot of fate fanfic but never finished the anime, is shirou summoning like a shiton of swords a la gilgamesh fanon then if he can only summon ten a day?
RunOnSentences chapter 17 . 7/15
Heh. Monsters. He must’ve forgotten about Hercules
RunOnSentences chapter 13 . 7/14
Broooo just let shiro let loose at least once lmao
RunOnSentences chapter 13 . 7/14
RunOnSentences chapter 10 . 7/14
Fuck the traitor princess
RunOnSentences chapter 7 . 7/14
Gosh I hate wardes evil ass. Split him in two shirou!
rama alif chapter 23 . 6/26
this is incredible the ending is make me cry
SaintOfReach chapter 23 . 6/19
Read this whole thing in one sitting. Fantastic story! Even better that it’s finished :p Perfect 5/7
Burning Moonlight chapter 23 . 6/13
Dude, while reading the end, I had shivers and was trembling! It was one of the best fanfictions available on the site for sure.
ImmaGenericWriter chapter 23 . 5/28
The ending of this story was as incredible as its content. It honestly felt like the ending of a good Dresden Files book.

Which led me to look for a sequel, but I didn't really expect one. I'm fairly certain I would have found mention of it when I filter for 'Top Fate/Stay Night Crossovers'.

In the end, I went to the Author's profile in my search. I was both surprised and unsurpised to see other incredible works like Beyond The Outer Gate Lies. This is where the real sadness set in. Not only will a sequel or short stories of this probably never be written, but those others also likely won't be updated again.

The Author hasn't posted anything for over 5 years now. I, along with many others, will miss your work, gabriel blessing. The closest comparison I can get is to Coeur in terms of quality and quantity.

Thank you, for all of the hard work and incredible stories.
Insaneauthor050701 chapter 13 . 5/26
really? gae bolg, gae dearg, gram, apfel scheissen gungnir, Ascalon just saying there are a number of phantasms that he could have used to fight here. it just seems ridiculous that he would be outclassed here. he's a heroic spirit further boosted by his mysterious class and has access to most weapon type noble phantasms in existence and then he loses here without a real fight?
ArgenSayanUi chapter 23 . 5/15
Awesome story man!
Guest chapter 23 . 5/13
I still hate chapters 23, aside from that good story as I remember
Sdarkness05 chapter 23 . 5/8
who is it henriette or siesta or maybe both?
Kira007Goddess of Chaos chapter 23 . 5/7
Sniff... Snifff... Beautiful!
So Zero became Blue? I would love to see(read) Shirou's reaction.
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