Reviews for Aria of the Moonless Night
pyoson123 chapter 1 . 9/9/2019
what the fuck is the point of him being in team 8 when hes suppose to be guarding sasuke?
Monster King chapter 12 . 6/19/2019
Great story shame you stopped
582Raven chapter 12 . 4/8/2019
Even if there will be no sequel I still really this story and thank you for at least letting us know the reasons behind you not continuing it. On another note, there's this other vampire story that I'm going to share because it doesn't have nearly enough of the attention it deserves. It's name is Guardian Monster and it's a very good OC-centric Naruto AU. Just don't pay attention to the crappy summery, because it is very crappy, and see how the first few chapters go :). Back to this story, wonderful and will forever love in my favorites!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
I think it's pretty good way to kill off alucard
helrio uzugaku chapter 1 . 3/11/2019
Actually, it's a very creative way to off alucard. Not something someone obsessed with dramatic ends would appreciate but a small almost underwhelming detail that only an artist can truly appreciate. But considering it's the small things that make lifeless things life-LIKE I can definitely appreciate the simplicity of it all.

Well done, I'm eager to see what else you've got cooking for the next 11 or so chapters.
HitoNoName chapter 4 . 3/1/2019
Tansformar a Hinata em vampiro estragou a historia
Guest chapter 4 . 2/17/2019
Dropped when Naruto nearly let Hinata get defiled right near him, and let her get mortally wounded while taking care of her. Forcing the decision to turn her into a vampire or die since it was entirely his fault. Sure she shouldn’t have left the Jonin’s side but it was her first C rank and Naruto disregarded any plans forcing the group to jump in with reckless abandon, cause you know they are supposed to be a team. This Naruto is a great killer true, but horrible at everything else. Can’t go to public places, can’t go without several liters of blood everyday unless sleeping, can’t protect anyone even next to him, he can only be a killer and nothing but. I don’t know why he is on this team. He was supposed to be guarding Sasuke, not horribly masquerading as a fresh genin (truly got the recklessness down though) on different team. How can he guard Sasuke if he is not near him or able to protect someone next to him? He needs to be reassigned to his former position already.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/17/2019
Very unique, I like it. Canon is edited so much it is definitely an AU even without Alucard.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/17/2019
Actually that was pretty good, a nice way for alucard to go, most of the time, the oldest and most powerful vamps CAN only die when they WANT to. I've seen some vamps come back from ASH piles and others bite the big one when 1 single beam of light bounces off a mirror and hits their hand! Again, the difference is WANTING to go on, and truly wanting to END it.
Hiro Kurisaki chapter 12 . 2/14/2019
Thank you for the stories you told and good luck on your future endeavors.
EeveeTheImmortal chapter 12 . 2/14/2019
Ok, college has killed more than a few accounts on this website, and not many revive glad this one did
Stagking2012 chapter 11 . 12/4/2018
i love naruto going insane with power
Monster King chapter 11 . 8/25/2018
Great story.
moziswilliam chapter 7 . 11/19/2017
I can't stop laughing
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
Can't have Naruto becoming Alucard without him being dark, semi-dark just retarded. And if he's becoming Alucard, he's going to kill, not gain respect. Alucard devour his whole kingdom after almost all of them abandoned him in his last battle, so if Naruto's becoming Alucard he. is. not. going. to. care. about. respect. after all, if you cannot be loved, it is best to be feared.
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