Reviews for How the Other Survives
Anonym chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
This is lovely. I loved the pace and the characterization and the idea in general. You ask the question, and though you don't solve it you do present the idea that it can be solved and that Harry will eventually accept that he is the one with a life. Thank you
rhythm junkie chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
So poignantly beautiful
mechanicalrain999 chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
I loved this. Sad, but hopeful. I would imagine them all having some issues after the war and having to deal with it would be harder for some.

Well done, bb. :)
sapphirescribe chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Incredible. This is one of the few stories I've read that picks up immediately after the war and it shows a Harry I understand. I appreciate his struggle and his interpretation of the prophecy and his near-lack of a will to live. I imagine that's really what it would've been like for him after everything was done. Beautifully written. I really enjoyed this.
thefeyrabbit chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
Perfect -loved it! Thanks for sharing this, the ending was Brilliant! :)
Tenshi Chupip chapter 1 . 7/23/2011
You know I really have to praise you for your writing ability. I am not a fan of yoei in any way shape or form... but this was amazing story and I absolutely loved it. Favorite List for sure!

Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 6/4/2011
Good story.
girls-love-girls chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
I loved it! Thank you so much sharing this! Your ending was absolutely perfect, and Harry's explanation to Draco of what he was feeling literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you again!
dumdoc chapter 1 . 3/30/2011
Very nice; well written, good plot, well deveoprd and interesting. Thanks
lilz54 chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
Well done!
Infinitypoet chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
I really enjoyed this story. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us! You have an amazing talent!

I feel this is a much more ralistic view of Harry's life after the final battle than The Epologue as I just can't see Harry NOT being haunted by the war nor can I see him just moving on and once feel the after effects of the fact that what he saw as his main purpose for living had came and went.

I feel your characterizations of Harry, George, Draco and Hermione were brilliantly written; I could almost tangibly feel the pain radiating of both boys and Hermione's need to make Harry whole again was evident in her words and actions.

The slow development of the relationship between Draco and Harry was beautifully done. I've always felt their rivalry contained too much passion to be hate! Even in canon no one, not even Voldemort or Ginny(Yuck), made Harry FEEL like Draco did, I was hoping for an ending much like the one you gave us, with the pair of them realizing what they feel and admitting it. But alas Jo didn't agree :(

Here's to wishing them a long happy life together!
chocolatelovergirl chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
excellent, i really enjoyed this even though you made me cry!

mothlights chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
Well written. You've got the melancholy mood down but without making me feel like Harry is needlessly wallowing. He has good reasons to feel the way he does, and you do a good job of reminding us. I love that this gives a great sense of how so many people were affected by loss and by surviving the war; including George here was brilliant, particularly the way Harry and George understand each other so well. Spot on characterizations. Loved post-war Draco with Teddy, and you nailed Narcissa (so to speak ;).

Adding to favorites. Thanks for posting!
bmango chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
This was amazing for your first adventure into HP. I like your take on the prophecy and I had my questions about that as well. Draco's trying to help Harry makes a lot of sense and I think you did a great job staying true to canon. Love it! -b
hidingfromsomeone chapter 1 . 12/23/2010
aw! lovely and melancholy and sweet. I like a hopeful ending.
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