Reviews for Escape Velocity
SkyeLight Hope chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
I wanna see how this pans out! Please say you'll continue, or at the very least, give me permission to use this idea for a story of Beck I'm writing myself.
raindownchaos chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
please continue with this i hate cliff hangers! I cant wait to see what happens next so please continue.
Hijiri Clyden chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
Muoooo I'm still waiting for the next chapter TTTT Just asking... but do you have plans on continuing this? I'm really curious because I've also been thinking about the same thing. We know that Skyes could have easily done this but why didn't he? So posting this is a nice deviation from the plot that I've always been trying to imagine. Good luck by the way :)
DELL chapter 1 . 5/4/2012
Update this please. I know it has been almost two years but I want to know what happens next.
Kirikouchan chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
I'm usually not one for leaving reviews, but I couldn't help myself this time. Basically you've managed to summarize how I thought the conversation between Sykes and Yukio would turn out.

It does indeed seem rather uncharacteristic for Sykes not to play his hand at getting what he wants. Whereas he's the kind of person who in his own words would kill for money, I doubt he'd just shrug it off.

I certainly hope you'll continue this. There's a severe lack of Beck fanfiction as it is.
GRIMMtheBITCH'1 chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
Please update again. I love this start. The way you pulled it together really fits both Yukio's and most definitely Sykes' personality. I cannot wait for more, I am a big Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad fan. I have to have read the whole series about ten times or more by now. I love this twist. I could picture it happening except for the fact that in the book it would have probably destroyed what the author was going for.
123 fan chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
I'm not sure if you abandoned this story or what, but I got to say you have a legimate plot here,so I hope you continue with it. The meeting of Leon and Koyuki has always bothered me too. It was too easy. I couldn't believe a simple No was going to be enough to detere Leon, we're to talking about a potential start that can make him millions of dollars and this is a person who pride himself on being a business man, too easy like I said. Also there is the ending that annoyed me like you wouldn't belive they just showed pictures not explaining how Leon got areested or how the band reacted to Ray. I mean he was an ass and no matter how tallented you are if your still an ass that can turn people off. Another thing that bothered about the serie is how Chiba, Taira and Ray kind of exculode Koyuki and Saku from the decision making I mean Koyuki write some of the songs so he should atleast get to be informed about what's going on. Thank you and i hope you update soon.
Red chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
A Beck fic with a legitimate plot? Now that's rare. I don't want to make any comments too early as I don't know if you'll continue this, but if you do, good luck and I look forward to your works in the future.
Mallet-Sama chapter 1 . 7/24/2010
I've only just gotten into the Beck fandom and was kind of sad to see that there weren't that many fics. However, it's nice that that there were some really good ones among the few, yours included. I really like the premise of your story and the way you write your characters. I hope that you continue writing and updating this fic.

I also hope that you'll do a sequel to your other Beck fic, "The Last Track". You're an awesome writer and I can't wait to read any future Beck fics from you. :D