Reviews for Everything I Ever
kazetoisshoni chapter 10 . 9/20/2014
Nice story. Perhaps a little too much foreshadowing, though. The ending was kind of obvious. Still enjoyed this a lot. Great job!
Ariz0na-Sky chapter 10 . 2/4/2014
Nice story.
steelneena chapter 10 . 6/7/2013
I wish she hadn't died for good, but it was sweet.
Demon'sGrace chapter 10 . 6/6/2013
that was beautiful, good job getting all the subtle ticks( at least the ones I'd noticed)
keep on writing, I can't wait to see what else you come up with
LittleMissNeilMD chapter 10 . 5/28/2011
Found your novel just read it! I just think it was amazing i like the ending even tho it is sad. i think it is great for the story line. One of my favourite stories i lived how you did not seperate billy and dr horrible. Plus your book got me in tears those last chapters heh heh welll thanks and i hope you write more wish i was on fan fic while you were writing it. - love little miss 3 "Horrible"
Eienvine chapter 10 . 3/24/2011
Oh man, heartrending and totally not where I expected it to go, but SO GOOD.
CJaMes12 chapter 10 . 2/13/2011
This was a fantastic fic. I love how you've implemented bits of plot mentioned in the web-series into it. And I agree with u not warning for character death, it would ruin the plot.

XirisheyesX chapter 10 . 1/13/2011
Wow, this is really great. The ending was depressing, but it felt fitting. Good job, and thanks for sharing your talent.
anna chapter 10 . 1/11/2011
and so it ends. wow. with all the foreshadowing, i should have been prepared for a sad ending, but i still hoped... having said that, this was still an excellent fic! sometimes, a happy ending just doesnt cut it and the issues you treated where obviously very well thought through. thanks for this treat, it was very intense and moving, picking up the melancholy vibe from the very ending of the original show. ill go and check if youve written anything else - i sincerely hope so, because you really have a great writing style!
anna chapter 7 . 1/11/2011
wow. another very intense chapter. since you asked, the action scenes worked very well. you have a great writing style, the way you portray peoples emotions without being too analytic and never over the top or sappy. instead, its really touching. oh, i feel so bad for billy and penny...
anna chapter 5 . 1/11/2011
continues great. its really moving! and the foreshadowing makes me fear there wont be a happy ending...:-(
Fell4 chapter 10 . 12/23/2010
Wow. This is amazing. I will ALWAYS remimber how awsome this was. You know I am being super serious because I am not using ! marks.

Is you heart in the game chapter 10 . 12/21/2010
That was very good!
Magesa chapter 10 . 11/21/2010
Beautifully written. Chilling. Thank you for not warning us of anything in your author's notes. Thank you for daring to have an ending such as this one! Billy was incredibly noble, and so was Penny. I have thoroughly enjoyed this story.
hhiihhii8 chapter 10 . 11/14/2010
Quite an interesting ending, if I do say so myself. I do like the fact that you didn't have a "super-happy" ending, it just seems more fitting with the tragic character of Billy. His character growth was a high point in this story. I think the death of Penny, and his subsequent revelations that he has made many mistakes which he can't all fix, marked an important point of development. This was done in a very believable and interesting way.

Unfortunately, there was one point in the story that kind of killed my suspension of disbelief. The bunker filled with Wonderflonium felt a little bit contrived in the way it was introduced; it seemed as if it was put into the story just for the sake of continuing the story. More foreshadowing earlier on in the story for that part would have made the story flow just that much better.

Now, on to the really good stuff!

One thing that stuck with me was how the ending, especially the last line, paralleled the ending of the musical (and by extension, the beginning of your story). You could really feel the pure loneliness and pain radiating from Billy as he slowly walked away from the house. All things must come full circle, I suppose.

It was a subtle stroke of genius not to have any part of this final chapter in Billy's POV. That, combined with the fact that you refrained from mentioning Billy's name during that scene, serves to underline the alienation that Billy is undergoing (even to the extent that he is alienated from the reader). I really have to stress how good a use of a literary technique that was, and I think this speaks volumes of how good an author you are.

Don't worry too much about killing Penny. It was needed and, in my opinion, did not feel out of place at all in this story. It was really the only thing that could have been done, and I can't fault you for doing that!

Anyways, great story, great ending, and I wish the best in your future writing endeavors (I do hope that you'll revisit this fandom again sometime in the future)!
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