Reviews for A hug is better then words
ProfessorHojotheGEN-I-US chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
Babeh, this is just gorgeous, okay? GORGEOUS. God, the amount of emotion you had through this is just so intense and perfect. I love the interaction with Dante and Nero. You captured them both really, REALLY well.

My favorite line, though, has got to be: "Good thing you're not a demon then." He whispered quiet, and Nero burst." SO POWERFUL. I love the symbolism and the sincere-ness behind those words.

Sofie, my Tiger, you are amazing, okay? NEVER FORGET THAT. I love you forever! And never stop having a passion for writing, because you are damn good at it.
Angelwingkitsune chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Aww, that was very sweet. I loved the ending. You did have a few grammatical errors, but the story was well written.
Cannonade chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Aww, poor Nero really did need a bit of comfort there, luckily he has a good guy like Dante who can make him feel better.

Sad and a very cute, fluffy little fic, it was a good read.

Hopefully you'll write more soon!
SirenaLoreley chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
Lovely fic. Sad, but with a cute, fluffy ending... Dante knows how to make the kid feel better, that's for sure. Sometimes, we only need a hug and a shoulder to cry a bit...

Take care and good luck! I hope to see you writing more soon...