Reviews for Wizard's Chess
Toaofwriting chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
A very good story, both well-written and funny. I would've liked Dumbledore to say, "Gandalf, you're late" and then Gandalf could've replied with his famous line from Fellowship of the Rings, but otherwise great.
SerbiaTakesCtrl chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
I'm going to go into Semi-Editor Mode, if that's alright?

First off, I really like the idea, but of course I already told you that before. It's a beautiful concept, being who the two characters are, and I find myself smirking at context you've placed either of them in: From what I can tell, they're also pretty much in-character, but honestly, it's a one-shot so there's usually not too much revealed (Though, I have to say, for how short this is I think you did a damn well job).

The narration is simple and just as easy-moving as your other piece with Hermione, which I still think is a really unique if not alien concept. I think I'm actually going to go read it again if I have time before class.

I also like your dialogue, I wanna see more of it soon, m'kay?

Silverdragonstar chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
"And they could try their best to cream each other in Wizard's Chess." HA HA Love it just too cool! So that is how Dumbledore handles the stress!
Lord Siravant chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
Short, but I liked it.
Aranel Mereneth chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
DayDreamingDormouse chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
Short, but I liked it. I often thought how similar Gandalf and Dumbledore are - and that they are friends in this story makes me happy. Both finding a bit peace in each others company from their wars ... yep, a good thought.
AnimeIceFox chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
That was actually quite good. It was a nice little friendship story. _ Good Job!