Reviews for Diary of a Demon's Slave
Bjkdfhuie chapter 6 . 10/13/2011
I'm sad this seems to be a dead story. I can only hope that you will complete it one day soon, because I really enjoy the story.
Swift chapter 6 . 8/18/2011
hello, i followed your last story and am Girlonwantedposters in deviantart. i questioned where the slaves went to the bathroom if you recall.

i have to be bluntly honest, i could nto get into the story until nearly the forth chapter, skipping a lot of the first and second chapter, and skimming thorugh the third.

i enjoy that Kurama and Okuro are talking and hanging about.

i would like to see in the future kurama and kuronue meeting, and possibly kurama in his Youko form chatting with Nari.

seeing as i am now fully into the story- i must say i love Gwen, jin, and touya all together and a part of me does not want them to meet the rets of the gang- but it IS your story after all, and if i say too much it might infulence your writting and i dont want that.

haha, sorry for the long reveiw thing _ keep doin what ya be doin lassie! i love it. makes me happy in this dreary world we be in.

i am not Irish O_O
thebarrentrees chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
I loved your Worthless Humans, and I love that sexy red haired Irish man! Needless to say I'm glad to see this one. I can't wait to see the drama that unfolds with Okuro and Kurama. Hope you update soon.
Reneey Umbra chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
... .God could it be? Am I actually seeing a squeal upon the computer screen? I ADORE The Worthless Humans and the pictures you made on DA to go with it. It is interesting that it's told by a demon slave not a human one as in TWH.

Hope to see more!