Reviews for Rock and Island
Dez chapter 1 . 6/28/2016
I love this it's sad but I love it
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
Love this
Lucrezia6565 chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
Amazingly written, intense, and compelling - and all characters are absolutely IC.

Definitely a fave :)
YurieOfTheLair chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
Love how you write this .

Are you gonna continue it, 'cause I really think you should :D
definatleynotafelineorcephalod chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
Such a good fic. Beautifully written, fits reasonably well with the cannon plot(except for the end, no fire tea, no Angry OCD Jet... which, for all intents and purposes, is probably a good thing) and even more important that all of those things... Both characters are actually IN CHARACTER! The angst is believable and not over done! THANK YOU! Now, I've noticed that this story is not "complete". Does that mean that there's going to be another chapter? I hope so.
Ms. Unlucky chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
Must. make. moreeeee! O.O
things24 chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
wow... I really like how you combined your own moments with teh canon moments :D
Tia Paes chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
This is a great fic. I love how emotional and personal it is. You wrote them very in character, I could imagine every scene so clearly! Great work, I loved this!
Tar Irene chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
Phew. That was intense. Riveting. Amazing. I can't believe how you got into his head like that - and how well the lines you wrote for the characters flowed with the original script - really impressive, that's what this was. And really moving. I kind of love Jet now, never thought I would really... wow. Great story.
eachpeach chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
i can not believe that this has only 4 reviews so far. the quality of this fic is so far above normal fanfics that it is incredible. this story delivers on everything that is awesome about jetko

thankyou thankyou thankyou

i just can not thank you enough for writing this it is absolutely wonderful and yes i am gushing but i dont care

i just wish that you would write more

i don't suppose that you would?

come on, please?

this is the best fic i have ever read from jets pov i hope that you do write more jet in the future

you have captured him so excellently

this was heartbreakingly good

it was utterly perfect

but only 4 reviews? seriously? what is with people? where has the jetko fandom gone?

there are so many terrible fics that have hundreds of reviews and this fic which is perfect and dreamy only has 4 so far?

infinitehearts chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
This was so good. Amazing writing; I loved it. :)
twentyonepilates chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
Wow. This story was undoubtedly amazing. One thing I love about this particular story is how true you stayed to the characters. I could almost hear both Zuko and Jet speaking as I read your dialogue. And Iroh, actually, too. And your description-oh my gosh, my mouth fell into a littl "O" while I was reading. You put so much detail into your writing, and I'd like to thank you for that. Also, despite the fact there were many scenes taken directly from the show, you still made it your own using desciption. I didn't feel like I was rewatching the episode, which is a good thing. You added thoughts to all the familiar lines. G

Anway, good job, keep writing!

setlib chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
I really enjoyed this! First of all, thanks for making the effort to get all the basics right - spelling, punctuation, formatting, word usage, point of view. I hate reading sloppy fanfiction, it makes me want to slap the author with a thesaurus. Yours was mercifully free of those distracting errors.

Second, great characterization. You stayed very true to the characters, but also further explored their motivations in very believable ways. Even though your story closely followed an existing episode, it didn't feel like I was reading a dry transcript. Despite the fact that I'm a die-hard Zutarian, I enjoyed this different look at Zuko (and Jet) and wished it was longer. I look forward to reading more of your work!
Leila Data chapter 1 . 8/1/2010
Wow. When I started reading this, I didn't really know what to expect. I wasn't even sure if I would like the story, since Jet/Zuko just seemed a little bit weird to me...but kudos for proving me wrong. I love this! It was a really interesting look into Jet's mind, and how he and Zuko really are alike. I really, really liked it. :)

Of course, what else would I expect from you but awesomeness?