Reviews for Black Roses and Calla Lilies
Amaterasu Avaron Rhapsodos chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
Hey Seph, do you know where my brother is? I kinda need to talk to him about something. You see... well actually, your lover Zexion might know who I'm talking about, but I need Genesis to give his blessings for me being involved with this guy named Xemnas. Like I said, Zexion should know him and can give you the lowdown on him. If you can help me find Gen that would be great, or if you could talk to him yourself, that would be great too. Have fun with Zexion, he really is a great guy!
But yeah that whole thing up above, just a game. I took up my name as a joke because my friends say I have a temper that would rival that of Genesis Rhapsodos. But anyway, this was pretty cool, and if you think I'm a nut for what I typed above, check out my personal page, you'll see the explanation there. Toodles!
Logan chapter 1 . 5/8/2012
You suck, period. Rewrite this shit; Horrible grammar, Out-of-character context, and basically an incredibly BORING plot, or lack of one, can't decide.
Jennifer the Dark chapter 1 . 4/1/2011
This was amazingly written, but I think the characters acted OOC (no offense!) Anyways, I think it would've fit better if they were old friends, but great job nontheless! Please continue writing fanfiction :)