Reviews for It's All My Fault
Hope chapter 8 . 1/4/2018
I normally wait until I totally finish a story to review but I feel like this is just the right time. You asked earlier if your readers wanted a tragedy or a Psych story. All I wanted was to read a good Psych story. I didn’t care about the genre as long as it was well written. This surpassed my expectations. This was the perfect tragedy story. It has the death and mourning but it doesn’t leave you feeling depressed. I actually felt at peace with the ending. This is the kind of story that makes me want to go spend time with my friends and family and make the most of it. It makes me want to go make a joke and lift everyone’s spirits. I want to go out of my way to help people. Thank you for putting the time and effort into writing this. It is truly inspiring.
moipsych chapter 6 . 12/8/2012
This was absolutely brilliant. You captured Juliet perfectly. It was well-written & just perfect. I had real tears streaming down my face. You made it seem like Shawn was actually gone & not returning in February. Thank you for the heartbreak:P
Mrs-N-Uzumaki chapter 8 . 1/26/2012
Oh WOW! This was AMAZING! And EXACTLY how I would've imagined would happen if Shawn died. Amazing piece of work!
Mrs-N-Uzumaki chapter 7 . 1/26/2012
Oh that message to his father was just perfect! It even made me laugh with the "pineapple and prunes" bit.
the-omnomnom-phenomenon chapter 8 . 1/24/2012
I cried. Oh my gosh, I cried. That was amazing.
She was waiting chapter 9 . 1/8/2012
I want to know the rest of the letters! Please?
fanforlong chapter 6 . 12/12/2011
soo touchy! I actually nearly cried! youre really talented at this

do you write any other fanfitcion as well? wouldnt mind to read that )
torchil chapter 9 . 10/29/2011
I loved this story from start to finish.
OT6AllTheWay-BCNSTT chapter 9 . 10/28/2011
Great job with the letter. It was the perfect combination of tragedy and Shawn-like humor. Can't wait for Lassie's chapter
islashlove chapter 9 . 10/27/2011
Bonus chapters, they have a nice ring to them.

I love how you put the humor in the letter

Can't wait for lassie
laughandlove chapter 9 . 10/26/2011
Aww, nice. I liked the part where Shawn was like "Well, unless you stabbed me or something, then you *did* kill me." Haha. That's so in-character. I'm really looking forward to Lassie's letter. Though I'm also really sad. :( It's hard to imagine Shawn dead! Update soon!

Loafer chapter 9 . 10/26/2011
Very very good work... great characterizations, and much hope amid the despair.
OT6AllTheWay-BCNSTT chapter 8 . 10/22/2011
Please oh please add those bonus chapters.

Your story brought tears to my eyes. You captured everyones emotions perfectly and I can completely see everyone being lost if Shawn ever died. Which is why im glad Psych is more comedy than tragedy, lol.

Keep up the great work
Gamr chapter 3 . 10/11/2011
I just cried no joke
islashlove chapter 8 . 10/9/2011
I don't know why I missed this story till you put up the last chapter, but I hate myself for that.

It was good and so sad.

I hope you get enought reviews to do the letters. I really do.
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