Reviews for There's No Place Like Team Rocket
Loyhea chapter 1 . 9/2/2016
Cara, eu amo issi...
chipotlepeppers chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
this was so cute. You are very creative. I loved how you made brock one of the traveling companions and made fun of him and all the other characters the whole time. BtW I did hear somewhere that Brock's last name was Harrison and James' was Morgan, and when I wrote my fanfic I made Brock's last name Harrison and James' last name Morgan. I just thought this whole thing was hilarious and I am totally going to share it with my friends. Keep writing becuase you are really talented.
ZodiacAngelSenshi chapter 1 . 9/30/2007
What a funny and cute parody!
WibSkelDS9 chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Ooh, lovely! I love Wizard of Oz crossovers! Now, do one with Alice in Wonderland, only with James! That's right, James. As Alice. In a dress. ;-)

I liked the bit with "Resistance is Futile," but maybe that's just my Trekkie way...

Anyway, loved it! Keep up the good work!
BansheeGirl chapter 1 . 12/9/2004
Hey – awesome fic! That was so hilarious, I was giggling all the way through it. You have a really great sense of humour, and to put it so well into a fic like this deserves a big congratulation! Well… uh… CONGATULATIONS!

Thanks again for such a great read, I’m glad I took the time to look at this fic!

Dragid chapter 1 . 12/6/2003
Hm, that little emotional outburst at the end there must have scared the shit outta Meowth and James, poor guys...
Threshie chapter 1 . 8/16/2002
Hehe, this oughta be good...

Idle commentary! V Yay!

Wobbuffet? Oo;; Never even heard of it one of the new Pokemon, or something that was released in Japan and never came out in the USA? Eh, who cares? *Shrug*

Hehe, Jessie likes paper fans, huh? ;; Any mention of 'brandishing a fan' makes me think of Tasuki-kun now, gomen...

Tracy's last name is Sketch, so I guess you just changed his name to Terrance because it was closer to the original Good Witch's, correct? ;; I'm a baka-I've gotta get back to the story!

Jessie, Queen of the Pikachus... Oo;; Disturbing thought, I tell ya!

;; trust that in a fanfic about Team Rocket, Misty and Ash will be the baddies. I wonder where Brock is? Hmmz, I'd better pay attention...

Boy, Misty (or 'Myst', lol) sure got over Ash quick! ;; Now she's just bent on revenge-typical Misty nature! Good charactization!

Aww, kawaii and baka-ish James! hehe. Can we tell who my favorite character is already, or what? Kawaii!

Okay, with all this girl commentary, this must be Butch... that Butch's last name? *Ponders*

Sightless Wonder, Squintyboy, lol... ;; Lotsa opportunities to tease this guy, ne?

'She grabbed him by the shirt of his collar'... Oo;; Doncha mean 'the collar of his shirt'? Lol. Humorous mental image, though, I'll admit...

Is is just me, or does everybody in this fic want either money or some item? ;; I think Jessie's the only one who wants to go anywhere, and that's just to get James so she can come back and be Pikachu Queen. (Oo;;)

'Oh, bugger', indeed! ;; I'd really hate to be Meowth at this point in time. 'Good german shephard', ROFL!

OH, now I get it-Harris' Brock! ;; And here I was thinkin' Butch the whole time... ROFL! I guess it was the 'squinty-eyed chap' comment that finally tipped me off-how couldn't I have noticed the joke about Brock being unable to see due to have those little, squinty eyes? ;; Hey, I got up at 4:30 AM this morning...and haven't had any coffee. ;; Cut me some slack, no da?

Bwahahaha! I love that comment James made about Meowth being more of a Rover than a Fido! ;; Muahaha! That's definately Pokemon/Pocket Monster humor, there! ROFL!

*Cackles* The beginning of the Apocalypse, ne? ;; As usual, Jessie and James have a *remarkable* talent for exaggeration (Sp? Oo;; Too early, I tell ya...)! Lol!

ROFL, the first thing I thought upon reading the word 'narcissists'was...Hotohori! ;; I'm afraid I've got him mentally connected with that word now! *Sweatdrops* Ah, well. It could have been worse.

Okies, *theres* the real Butch. ;; The scratchy voice part tipped me off right away!

Jessie shoulda called 'em all...Moltraceses! ;; Muahahaha! Not chickens! Ahahahahahahaha-uhm, I need to take a nap. ;; I stayed up 'til 2:00 AM and got up at 4:30 AM, just so you know why I'm acting quite so loony. ;; Sumimasen, kudasai!

'LET'S GO GET OURSELVES KILLED!' Muahahahaha! For some reason, this line cracks me up. ;;

Togepi, the 'big nasty-looking one'? Hah! That's a laugh'n a half! 'Egg-shaped evil ones'...Bwahahahahaha! ROFLMAO! I love that! ;; Uhm, see above for excusesfor insanity, no da? Gomennasai!

Oo;; Ain't it a flock if they all fly, not a herd? Eh. *SHrugs* Who cares, anyway?

Y'know...I think Wobbuffet's the smartest person/thing/character in this fic. ;; It always gets the stuff done, and the others are there for the pleasure of reading their bickering and mishaps!

Hehe. This's a kawaii ficcy! I love how you write Team Rocket! Sugoi kawaiiness! Hehe! Great job!

Weeeeelll... Now that all of my rantings are over (for the moment...), I guess I'll c'ya laterz! ;; Byeee!

-Threshie, otaku of DeeChan's fanfiction! V
Sharyn chapter 1 . 4/23/2002
OMG! I'm like holding my stomach trying to control my laughter, way ta go gal! -Sharyn
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25/2002
LOL all the way through! Especially if you've seen the movie. I laughed

continuously the whole way through.
Lunaurora chapter 1 . 2/24/2002
Kewl-ness fic alert! I luv it, gurl! And it's one of the funniest lil' thangs I've ever seen! Great ficcie! - Yay-ness! I'll probably be back here reading this tomorrow.

~ Destiny Fox
Pistoffveemon chapter 1 . 2/24/2002
That was hillarious. I really have nothing else to say.