Reviews for Just Once
Aelfwen chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
I find fade-to-black frustrating at the worst of times, but also appreciate them because they lead to lovely little things like this story.

You took familiar elements – Shepard and Garrus' mutual doubts and insecurities, their affection and respect for each other – and interlaced them with their time together, which balanced the physical bond with a mental one.

I enjoy the straightforward, sincere way you write. "Her intent stare, if only for a few seconds, wasn't the stare of the Commander." It gives the reader the opportunity to fill in the blanks of what that stare may have looked like, and that is awesome.

All in all, I rather liked it, and it's a great start to your archive! Well done!
BelleInconnue chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
Thank you for picking up where (in my humble opinion) Bioware dropped the ball. I for one couldn't tell you had any trouble with the rated M scenes. Flawless. More stories, please?
Tonnerre chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Flat out beautiful. I think i'm gonna cry now. ah son of a bitch I am.
Ms Morpheus chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
Great story! Sweet and thoughtful but smexy too... you should definitely write more if the inspiration strikes.
justsomebody2 chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
y'know this was actually really good, you kept in-character for him, and I am so glad you didn't turn Shep into a nervous wreck, just before the freakin battle...

one of my personal favorites: "He thought he'd always been the more stylish of the two." it really goes with my idea that he is a bit smug, in his awkwardly sweet self! You got the entire tentative exploring and tenderness down to a notch! Though I liked the whole story.

I hope you continue it, no idea what you could do next, but I like pleasant surprises.

oh, and props for not having any grammar mistakes!
KMN-91 chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
Well if this is your first fanfic: B-R-A-V-O O Realy emotional stuff ya have here and storytelling goes lovely too ;P And I would say your more sweet and tender then lust and passion kinda person I reaaaly hope I can see more ficks from ya, cause Im keeping my thums up for ya O