Reviews for I'm Not Your Stepping Stone
1sunfun chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Interesting story.
ZenyZootSuit chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
This was one of the best written stories I've ever read! I love how in-depth you went with the whole plot. Awesome job!
Ebonypol chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
I love it :). Thx for the read :)
InsaneAndHappyAboutIt chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
brilliant! It took me a while to finish it but i didn't lose interest for a second...I loved the insight we into Cas thoughts as well as the deep and pained relationship he had with Dean. Sniffs. That was seriously sad!
Great story, all the way! LOVED IT! XD
0ptimuspenguin chapter 1 . 2/7/2012
Wow, really heavy on the plot but really really good. If it wasn't 4:30AM then I'd probably say more but yeah haha
katty12 chapter 1 . 6/1/2011
...:o Amazing. Really i mean i never would of thought of this story line or anything but its really brilliant, and so attention grabbing! And i can totally see Castiel being that kind and selfless to lucifer.. :') im getting all teary here so ill stop.

your brills ;)

La Belle Demoiselle chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Simply wonderful.

I admit, it was a little difficult to follow at first but goodness, after maybe a thousand word or so, I was hanging onto your every word. :)

I sincerely hope you write more with this pairing. 3
Hesunohana chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
really impressive. bravo !
chainofcommand chapter 1 . 11/14/2010
I hadn't thought about Castiel/Lucifer, I have to admit, but this story was very good.
Saria Athen chapter 1 . 10/6/2010
I liked this. I like this pairing all together.
Remy Cortlandt chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
First, /why/ doesn't this have any reviews yet? It's fantastic! I've never considered looking into any sort of Castiel/Lucifer type story before, but I'm glad I did because this fic was so, so good. I love the tone - it's heavy, it's upsetting and depressing and it's very well done.

I see a lot of Castiel's descent into humanity, but you went even further than that. Because why can't Castiel, having been human for a while in a world that's gone to shit, fall further from Grace? I just... I like this, haha. My brain's all full now. I even teared up at some points. It's dark, it's well-paced, you obviously know what you're talking about. I freakin' love the way you portray Lucifer. And the part where Cas figured it all out when he was in Chuck's room? Damn.

Well, yeah. I ramble too much. But this is amazing. :D