Reviews for Thousand Mile Wish
MoonPrincess623 chapter 12 . 9/24/2012
Go to say this story was good; I felt that you played them well. I love how our dear Warden was a virgin. This chapter seemed to flow true. A few fics I've read of this couple had her as a very experienced girl. she slept with quite a few others. So this was different.
Brass Camera chapter 12 . 11/28/2010
Excellent, excellent, excellent.

Loved how you characterized Nathaniel. Kept him disturbed without getting unnecessarily mopey.

Cousland was well done too, responsible and mature about battle while still in some ways a naive young girl.

Anders and Sigrun were both very funny and excellent confidants/comic relief. Your Oghren moments, though regrettably few, were memorable and highly entertaining.

I must admit, the "Alistair coming to visit" was a terrible tease :). I was getting all geared up to have a face-off between him and Nathaniel. Oh the beautiful awkwardness that would have likely ensued!

THANK YOU for skipping over the story bits. You were right on the money about them getting all "Yeah. That's right. I played the game too and experienced the same thing. Did you by any chance write this for someone who didn't bother to play the game and just thought "Dragon Age" looked like a compelling category on the FFN "Games" list?"

Again, very fun story and thank you for writing and sharing.
Jenna53 chapter 12 . 9/7/2010
That was wonderful. Let me know where you are going if you publish some place else because I definately want to continue reading your work. What is LU RedBotton? Thank you for sharing your story.
Eva Galana chapter 12 . 9/4/2010
Nice chapter. So glad they're together (and really, really nice to have a virginal Cousland/PC for a change). And, let's hope it's not "Fin".
Arsinoe de Blassenville chapter 12 . 9/4/2010
I hope it isn't the end! I so enjoyed Nathaniel and Elissa's happily-ever-after-of-sorts!
Wolfox6 chapter 12 . 9/3/2010
Awww. My warm and fuzzy feeling has been replaced by OMG! That was sweet and hot!
Shakespira chapter 12 . 9/3/2010
Ah, a great ending to a wonderful story. I love your pairing and your Nate was particularly wonderful. I look forward to the sequel.
jen4306 chapter 11 . 8/31/2010
I do so love this!

Nate and Elissa are wonderful together!

Thank you so much for your wonderful chapter!
Jenna53 chapter 11 . 8/27/2010
I like your outcome a lot better than the one I ended up with. Thanks.
NorthernBreeze chapter 11 . 8/26/2010
thank you for a very enjoyable read :)
Wolfox6 chapter 11 . 8/26/2010
Ah yes, my warm and fuzzy feeling is back again. Good story, always sad to acknowledge the loss of such great characters. Very nicely done.
Shakespira chapter 11 . 8/26/2010
A very emotional and impactful chapter on Amaranthine, Architect and Mother. The return to the Vigil was exceptional.

Well done!
jen4306 chapter 10 . 8/25/2010
Excellent chapter! Now Nate just needs to remember to smack Cousland around about when she gets stubborn!

Loved it!
Jenna53 chapter 10 . 8/23/2010
Wonderful. Thank you.
Miri1984 chapter 10 . 8/22/2010
Lovely! I do like the fact that they can't just pick up where they left off - it WOULD be awkward - people don't do that. And you're Sigrun and Anders get better every chapter!
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