Reviews for Bruised verse: Post Blue
Guest chapter 30 . 7/7/2016
It's 2k16and still reading it! And that just this story is so great can u please write a new phase where Dean might be trying for some college but is worried he would have Sam . And Sam is in love with some girl and he asks Dean for love advice U knw some sort of teenage movie drama type . Please.
KindKelsey chapter 30 . 6/17/2016
Both of these were amazing. I'm so glad Deanfound his place with the winchesters :)
Deanfan4ever123 chapter 19 . 12/23/2015

I can't help but think that this demon, in the way it behaves and stuff, reminds me a lot of demonDean in season 10.. In the way he seems invincible at the beginning, and how he just laughs at deans attempt to attack him... It's quite interesting...
sunshine102897 chapter 30 . 11/3/2015
I cannot describe how much I loved this story. Ugh. My heart is torn between wanting to shatter and wanting to paste itself back together. There were so many tears. Agh. So. Freaking. Many. Dean and all of his troubles really stabbed me in the heart. Ouchie. The dog was the most perfect addition and good lord of the rings the ending has me crying happy tears. He got the impala. The leather jacket. The bracelets. And above all a mom, dad, and a little brother who love him more then anything. Thank you for this lovely piece of writing. Excuse me while I go wash my pillow case of mascara stains.
spokenfor95 chapter 30 . 12/18/2014
I know I'm late to the game..but man! These two stories are absolutely amazing! What a fantastic job! I wish I had the opportunity to get to experience the need to know what happens next as you were writing! Hope that you are still writing out there in the universe! Best of wishes!
wholockian99 chapter 30 . 8/31/2014
This story has been so emotional for me because i can relate to the pain he feels. Hinking he causes all the problems and he is never good enough. And the whole self harming thing. Im glad to actually say that i am 4 months clean! I havent picke up a blade sonce the day matt cohen retweeted me. An i know that sounds stupid but it gae me a shed of hope. This story captures amtion beautifully and it really opened my eyes to what im going through. So thank you.
R.U. Lisnin chapter 29 . 6/18/2014
Hello, I have no idea why but for the life of my I cant figure out how to pm you.. So I will say what I shall say here.. I actually thought of a good one shot or short story or part of another story of the bruised verse.. And I thought because I can't technically write one without you saying so and I'm a crapy writer I just thought I'd lay it on you, here it goes, so I was thinking what if the winchesters go on a road trip and dean realizes thy are close to the road house and then he asks to stop because sometimes Ron used to leave him with Jo and Ellen when he went on hunts (with jos dad maybe) but then they figured out what he was doing to dean and tried to stop Ron and he just took dean away and wouldn't let him come back or call so they thought that Ron killed him. But dean comes back after all those years and is proud to show Jo and Ellen and ash his new family and that his scars are gone.. I also wanna believe that dean was in love with Jo, like I ship them so hard.. Anywho I actually have been thinking about that since I finished ur Fics a couple weeks ago and thought I would lay it on yah.
R.U. Lisnin chapter 30 . 6/15/2014
This was really awesome! Maybe someday there will be a sequel to this sequel? Hint hint awesome job!
Beakers47 chapter 30 . 4/30/2014
I just wanted to thank you for writing these two books! I read both within 4 days and I loved them. It was nice to see that you did mental problems and not just beat Dean to a pulp like some fan fictions. It was also refreshing to see that he recovered slowly not just Sam cares he's hurt for one chapter then fixed so thanks for that. I look forward to reading more of your books thank you! You're a great writer!:)
Guest chapter 30 . 2/25/2014
I loved both stories. Emotional ups and downs of it all. I am pleased that Dean is healing, emotionally. I am glad that you introduced Angus as a furry little guardian angel for the boys. I'm sorry to hear of your hospital stays during the writing of this story and I assume you are currently in good health. ( I am writing this on Tuesday, February 25, 2014: Supernatural, back from hiatus, night).
I am relatively new to fan fiction. I am enjoying immersing myself in the stories presented on this site when I am not watching the show. Thank you for all you do.
From a Dean-girl. :)
Samantha J. Brown chapter 30 . 10/10/2013
That was awesome
Really awesome
Like thank you for this
I absolutely loved it.
Guest chapter 21 . 8/13/2013
nickiandlogan chapter 30 . 4/28/2013
cute :)
Pepper chapter 14 . 4/3/2013
"Oh my good lord give my strength" XD
lorusgra chapter 1 . 1/18/2012
I love Bruised Verse! It's very incredible and very very intense!

Good Good Good Job... and, because I'm selfish, I want another part for this story, because I'm addicted to this story.!
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