Reviews for Perfection Is A Scary Thing
Guest chapter 1 . 9/5/2019
Bo and Jess in a sink for a bubble bath, Jessie pouring her heart out about a personal experience she probably couldn't tell another boy, Bo being understanding and sincere and still lightly teasing! Bo chasing Woody down with surprisingly agility (a Toy Story 4 prediction?!). Buzz being shy but honest and a gentleman, and Jessie thinking/recognizing he isn't perfect, but that's what makes him perfect!

I love everything about this. :)
aburameclanhead chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
Nice story.
Ersatz Einstein chapter 1 . 8/25/2013
This has some minor errors ('"Bo, do you think I did anything to deserve having him in my life?" Whispered Jessie brokenly.'), but your idea was really interesting and you carried it through well.
Midnight Ghost chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
Wasn't Bo nakid?

Woody's a peeper! XD
jojoberry chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
thats so-o-o cu-ute!lol sorry im being a noobe*. your story was cool though i liked the end.
keep-me-posted chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
Aww, the ending made me smile. I really do enjoy these Jessie/Bo friendship stories I keep finding on here, lol. Also, poor Jessie. I hope by some ridiculous chance that Sid got a hold of that GI Joe and tortured him real good. *Evil grin* :P Anyways, great story!
neophytepyrope chapter 1 . 10/9/2010
Oh Woody you should know better, espicially when you know Jessie can beat you up
crybaby-writes chapter 1 . 8/26/2010
Ahhhh, that's it. You're officially a genius in my mind, and I love you. (God, that sounds creeeeepy.)

Anyway, this little story was flawless. Everything about it was perfectly golden. The dynamic between Bo and Jessie, and how they came to be friends, the budding romance between Jessie and Buzz, and Woody's hilarious personality.

This made me smile like crazy. I simply adored it, all the way through. Keep up the great stories.
X's For Eyes chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
Ahahaha, Woody is hilarious in this! This is the Woody from the blooper reel at the end of TS2; the slightly prankish Woody who likes to tease his friends instead of bein' such a damn boy scout all the time. Yes, such a great Woody. I love that Woody. And I like equally how well Bo handles that Woody - who knew she had it in her to tackle the guy? Buzz fumbles endearingly with his affection for Jessie, as usual... Yep, this all feels right. Thank you for the well-written story!
Agent Pumpkin chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
I laughedmy fricking socks off at Woody! Good job! :) :)
Moviefan chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
This was really a great story and you kept the characters true to how they are in the films. I loved it! And Jessie's background story you wrote about seemed very touching but also very plausible. Awesome job!
Moviefan chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
This was really a great story and you kept the characters true to how they are in the films. I loved it! And Jessie's background story you wrote about seemed very touching but also very plausible. Awesome job!
BlueEyesUnderTheFedora chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Am I first to review? Anyway, I love this story! I like how you wrote Bo and Jessie. And Woody was very funny. It's nice to see him and Bo in a fun mood for a change. Keep writing! I enjoy how you write the characters! :)