Reviews for Two Guys, A Girl, and a Ticket to Hell
Lisa12479 chapter 32 . 8/23/2017
Loved it!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/6/2015
This is a great story and I thought they were like deer hunters at first lol now I know that they are not. But yeah keep going with te story it's great and captivating!
pipinheart chapter 32 . 7/15/2014
I loved this. Love Tasha she is so good for Dean.
GrammarDemon chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
Well done! I'd say more but I can't type through the tears you made me cry...
GrammarDemon chapter 4 . 7/11/2014
You do emotion well. :) Love that your characters aren't cardboard people.
GrammarDemon chapter 3 . 7/10/2014
Nice job. Again. (Gosh, my reviews are boring.) I really like how you've set this up; it's an intriguing hunt. :) Need to keep reading...what is it that they're up against?
GrammarDemon chapter 2 . 7/10/2014
Whew. Wow. I'm...well. I think I need to go take a cold shower. Be back later...
GrammarDemon chapter 1 . 7/10/2014
Yay! I've read a ton o'smut in my day and this was actually quite good. Some writers get trapped in the "tab A into slot B" thing, but you remembered that the most important thing is to add the internal reactions, emotions and responses. Great job!

Now that I've had a chance to catch my breath, I'm going on to chapter two. :)
SuperVikinggirl chapter 32 . 6/29/2014
Fantastic story! Thanks!
bjq chapter 1 . 5/30/2014
please update soon
Guest chapter 31 . 4/27/2014
I so thought the "floppy-haired punk" was Sam and couldn't stop laughing :P
klu chapter 32 . 4/26/2014
This was an amazing story. Thanks so much for writing.
klu chapter 29 . 4/26/2014
I knew from the jump that the Sam/Tasha sex was a nightmare of Dean's and I was feeling so bad that THAT was what was weighing so deeply on his conscience as he looked for the woman he loved. Dean was feeling like he'd lost her because he didn't tell her how he felt, because he wasn't good enough for her and because she wouldn't forgive him for those things; - why would she? He couldn't.

Bobby's comments were a little cryptic. Did he mean that he thought both brothers were in love with Tasha, or just that they were both close to her and once Dean died it only made sense that she and Sam would look to each other for comfort? Or did he mean that because they are all together like they are it was inevitable they would end up involved in a love triangle?

Still loving this! Now it is up to Bobby and Sam to save the day. Maybe since Dean is in jeopardy, Cas will finally get his feathery ass involved...
klu chapter 25 . 4/26/2014
It's too bad the brothers are new at knowing an Angel... They could just pray to Cas and ask him to locate Tasha and get her back, and heal up any wounds she has at the same time... But alas, while that would be good for her, it would make for some anti-climactic reading.

Hopefully by the end of this Hunt, it will be the end of the spirit of Dirt and the end of Diego.
klu chapter 21 . 4/26/2014
Wow so much happened here.
The Chupacabra Hunt was exciting and the action was fun to read. The search, fight and subsequent falling tunnel all made it that much more 'realistic'.
The sex scene was well done and yet the entire time all I could think about was that somehow Sam had allowed Tasha to be 'tricked' into having sex with a demon. He knew what Ruby was, and therefore I never really took issue with their sexy times. But Tasha didn't know; there wasn't full disclosure and that was what made it so WRONG. Not that Tasha was 'Dean's girl', but that there was a demon involved and Tasha didn't know. I just couldn't enjoy the 'fun' of the scene because I felt like that was unforgiveable.
Part of me thought the sex might have even been a spell Ruby put on Tasha (she would have only needed a nudge in her grieving and drunk state. Plus, we know the demon blood Ruby pushed on Sam makes him a wild-man - in all sorts of ways, including sexual desire, he even admitted that to himself.
I did however, LOVE the way Tasha looked at the sex between her and Sam: they have nothing to be ashamed about and should not consider it a mistake.

The action with the doppelganger was VERY well done. From the moment 'not-Dean' arrived, the wariness both Sam and Tasha experienced was palpable to the reader and a feeling of unease grew. Sam's decision to unearth his brother's grave was both relieving (he NEEDED to be sure) and heartbreaking (there was a NEED in the first place). Tasha's decision to not push her and Dean's previous love on the resurrected man was also painful to see, but it made sense that she wanted him to love her 'for real' and not out of some twisted obligation to his previous life.
Killing the 'not-Dean', although it was an absolute necessity, was incredibly traumatic for both Sam and Tasha, and began the grieving the process all over again. Which is exactly what Ruby and Lilith wanted, in Sam's case and exactly what Tasha couldn't compete with in terms of her own grief.
What was upsetting to me, as the reader, was the fact that when it was discovered that the hexbag was the source of the 'not-Dean's' power, and that his sites were set on Tasha, Sam didn't even consider that Ruby might be involved. Ruby has the mojo for something like that AND she is the only one who knows Tasha is with Sam AND she wants Sam to ditch Tasha. Plus Ruby immediately then starts in on Sam saying he needs to ditch Tasha because things like this doppelganger are going to keep happening if she sticks around. Connect the dots, there Sammy-boy.

I am really finding myself invested in this and immersed in this storyline. You do an excellent job of drawing me in on emotional level and also wrapping up the reader in the action of the Hunts.
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