Reviews for of bubble tea, sushi, lists, memories and meetings
Moogie chapter 2 . 1/15/2018
Fifth time rereading this over five years 3
RobinSparkelz chapter 2 . 11/17/2014
I loved the entire thing. Wonderfully unique
Cal-Kitty chapter 2 . 3/20/2014
awww so cute!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/2/2014
its like a he said, she said. i like the randomness but in some ways everything felt coincidental or maybe fate?
A Midsummer chapter 2 . 5/16/2013
I think this deserves a hundred of pretty adjectives but since I'm brain dead yes, I have no idea where to start. I love how I can read two sides, Sasuke's and Sakura's. Which I find really interesting. I also love the wackiness of the cast, yes, even the OCs. I can't believe I didn't recognize Natsume or that guy from Special Class(?) but since I've never been a big fan of Gakuen Alice I guess this is fine. I love the nickname for Saucecakes in this modern au (Anime Paper Boy, with the hair and looks like that I'm not surprised). I love Itachi and Sai being the endearing mischievous brothers to their respective siblings. Pure crack those two are. I just love everything okay? Good.

I'm regretting not taking the chance to read this awesome piece the first few times yet also partly relieved since it got me a new kind of entertainment in this boring day (aka no internet connection which means browser error tabs and finding something salvageable to read in the opened but functional tabs). Refreshing really, I was very tempted to jump on the smut bandwagon if it meant more interesting fics to read at the expense of brain bleach, thankfully you saved me. Small mercies.

I'm definitely reading the sequel.
A Midsummer chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
So cute. Everyone from Sakura's mother knows they have the hots for each other. Also, I really like how you made Sai as Sakura's twin brother.
Jiade-103 chapter 2 . 7/20/2012
"You got his name? And it's SASUKE? That's HOTT! "
You know I laughed out loud at this right?

I love the word Incorrigible.

"Oh, get over it sweetie. It means he wants to stick himself in you." Mark answers flippantly."

Insert super, duper, insane laughter here.

Hi Callie! , So I've read this chapter before (forever ago) but I didn't review on it and since I am one of those completely creepy people who review on everything you do... I felt the need to review.

I'm working my way through all the stories I haven't read yet and the updates I wasn't informed of (stupid fanfiction). Have fun with all these reviews haha.

Kay! So this chapter is really good, it's really fun and interesting and it's nice to see how embarrassed Sakura gets and to see him being called the 'Anime Paper Boy' over, and over again it's funny, I like it.

I'm moving into 'nothing on you' so I can do this in order and once I finish that I'll decide what to move onto. My entire internet bar is full of your stories.

I like your humor. It's not so subtle but it's just there and it shoots out at you - just like real life.

My name will be flashing up in your e-mail today.

zgs1994 chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
sweet 3
forgotten-things chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
This story has such a soothing effect on me. It really is like tea and bubbles and y'know, pale-green creamy milk tea, if you get what I mean(which you obviously wouldn't because my ramblings do not make sense).

I like how you bring about Sasuke's character here, and how his feelings for her is developed throughout the chapter

Another fact I like is that this is very realistically written: No natural pink hair.

Overall, this was a dose of feel-good fic I wanted to read
ohhthatgirl chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
I have to admit, I squealed like a fangirl all throughout this story. Very well written and sweet!
Sakura478 chapter 2 . 5/4/2012
Hilarious I was cackling(not very appealing but oh well)
golden doe chapter 2 . 11/24/2011
They are so destined for each other. I mean, I go to the same place almost everytime to eat and whatnot and I never meet the same person to the point of being familiar with them.
golden doe chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
The first time I read this, I just thought it was a well-thought of story.

Rereading again, I realized it's not only well-thought of but also... very realistic.

Sasuke's point of view regarding Sakura who is also Japanese studying in a good school while he wasn't was like an eye opener for me.

I am also an Asian in a First World country, and I study in a good school and I just took it for granted. Rereading this chapter again, I realized... that other Asians like me must've a better life than I did in my home country but here I am living a better life, without a care that I'm so lucky, without thinking that others might envy the life I lead.

I'm so glad I reread this, because the moral of this just one chapter just hit me, slapped me more like actually.

anyway, when I reread this hours ago... I thought I have to review this chapter!
TheQueenOfBlossom chapter 2 . 7/21/2011
awww funny and kawaii, my two fav things.
Queen's Pyromancer chapter 2 . 6/13/2011
Oh, I just had to review this story. At first I was a little reluctant to read it, but I just love it! Just the simplicity, it's refreshing. I've been reading fic after fic of highly psychological SasuSaku with authors that just try too hard (which I admit I personally and trying to break out of my writing).

Utterly cute, perfectly written, each sentence seems to be like pieces of a puzzle and I love how you included both points of view. I truly enjoyed reading every word. Very humorous and you kept Sasuke in wonderful character! I must congratulate you on that. I find it fun (and easily gotten away with) to tweak personalities just a little, but Sasuke's still the anti-social, reluctant boy.

Oh, yes, you didn't use "annoying" for Sakura's description! It's a nice reference to Sasuke's attitude in the manga, but many people use it in the absolute wrong situation. (It's for Sakura's attraction and Sasuke's annoyance at her -fangirlness- people! Realize that!) I must commend you for not making that mistake.

No offence (because it happens to be a little favorite of mine) but your story just has a cute little amateur feel to it.

I can't wait to go ahead and read the sequel!
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