Reviews for Home
completelydeletedandgonebye chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
All I have to say is...


xox Rose
SeldomFollowIt chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
AWWW, no fair. I want a sexy redhead to whisk me off my feet and take me away from my crap-shot life too~ xD Very adorable :] I was glad to see you did a story for 8/13 :3 I did my first Akuroku Day fic this year and I enjoyed it so much. It was fun seeing all the one-shots all over the place...not like gets enough of those xD

Okies, enough of my babbling, great one shot, as usual :D
Changeling Fey chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
It never ceases to amaze me how much I love your writing. Like, holy crap. You manage to make me blush and squeal and cry all at once. I'm massively jealous of your skillz. -worships-

I can think of no better way to end AkuRoku day than by reading this. Happy 8/13, may your life be showered upon with monstrous amounts of gay and unicorns and all things sexy like that!
Becoming-Obsessed chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
And they rode off into the sun together! -dramatic wind-

Haha, no, I'm just kidding. But that was beautiful, really.

auPHE chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Okay, embarrassing admission time: I totally cried like a little girl while reading this. The lemons were hot beyond all belief, but the ending really just got me. ; o; IT'S JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL...

Then again, I may just be PMSing. Sometimes it's hard to tell. xD
Stars in a Shoebox chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
I only have one thing to say:

And that is that this story is so beautiful, and different, and amazing, that I am crying from sheer happiness at reading it. So thank you so much for writing it.

That's all I can say.

Der Auspuff chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Why. Why is every story you write this awesome. It's rhetorical... That was fantastic. Really. And the end was great! The way that Ax just...adores him. It's so...consuming. Just... wow xD

Loved it 3
Your Fan chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Thank you.
the flamboyant pen chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Ah, yet another magnificent story complete. I always appreciate how you manage to go into complete detail without finding the need to spend a page on the loveliness of one particular hill:) The plot, the attitude of the characters, and the writing itself were all superb! Can't wait for another one, perhaps even a continuation of this one! :)
Yumi Kei chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
damn, i freakin' loved this ;_;

i was about to browse the KH entries for AkuRoku goods, and i suddenly remembered; "ah! kurosora must have something up! :D" and you did lol

that scene in the car was so hot! ... yeah ;D
iFilb3rt chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Oh my God I LOVED this!

I was hoping sooo hard that you would do a oneshot for today! I love all your oneshots and this one is no exeption! x3

It was so hawt! And the end was so fluffy! I love that!

Thank you for writing this! And Happy AkuRoku day! :D
Soon-to-be-Baby-Ayatane chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Let me start off by saying happy AkuRoku day!

I freaking love it. ~/~ Hot lemon. It was a oneshot but y'know, it'd be awesome if you made a chaptered sequal. Then again, that would kinda ruin the story wouldn't it? The ending line gives the reader leeway to think up what happens next on their own. I really like how you characterized Roxas and Axel. For once Axel was the normal one! Lol, and non-innocent Roxas is teh shiz.

This is going in my favorites when I get an account!

Don't ever stop writing!


mid-eul chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Ah, I love this so much. Such a perfect AkuRoku Day fic. Not to mention it's adorable, yet sexy at the same time.
cherrybomb10295 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
I LOVE IT! It was a perfect oneshot!
Firestorm64 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
I can say I thoroughly impressed as always by your writing ability and I am probably going to leave a note of thanks to Atomic-Clover for giving you such good ideas! Both of you do a great job with your different mediums of art and your stories keep making me happy on the inside.

As for this story in particular, I love how Roxas takes on a bad boy persona and Axel is actually the model student. The contrasting personalities you make are always fun and lead to some good comedic dialogue. All I can say is do not run out of ideas since you are my favorite Fanfic writer. Life would be much more dull without you around :D

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