Reviews for Sirius' Several Last Words
AnneCpc chapter 2 . 2/22/2014
awwwh /:
love sirius chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
You made me cry aghh... Thanks this is great 3
prickles chapter 2 . 10/20/2013
This is the saddest fanfiction I have EVER read. I cried. It was perfect. I love this story. Will totally read again. 3
Arielle12 chapter 2 . 8/31/2011
Amazing! Really great story, i was trying not to cry the whole time. :)
QuietLion chapter 2 . 8/30/2011
3 3 3

love soooo much! I'm sitting in tears! Poor Sirius :'(

myoldfanfictionaccount chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Both of these chapters are so great. The story is so beautiful and heartbreaking, I'm crying. Perfect job!
Mariana Lestrange chapter 2 . 3/14/2011
Not too dramatic, was it?

i cry for Sirius! and he even can't kill himself ''again'' it was sad, like really sad :,( buuttt you are a wonderful writer! i love it every piece of it! THANKS :)
Taiiii chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
Oh, how sad! I think those are exactly the words that Sirius would use if he could do it. Sounds just like him. I loved.
xDesativadoxx chapter 2 . 12/18/2010
Your fic is so lovely! Sirius' never-actually-said last words, the meeting with James and Lilly, finding out that remus had moved on... I loved it!

And also, since I'm already contacting you, I wanted to know: Do you mind if I translate your fanfiction to portuguese? I'd really love to do so, your fic is wonderful! You can get back to me through review reply or e-mail ().

artyytheravenclaw chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Hi, I'm the girl from Tumblr that posted this first chapter on Tumblr. I saw what you wrote in my ask box, and I'd like to tell you that you made my day. This fanfiction is one of my favorites and I'm glad that the rest of Tumblr liked it also. This first chapter got me at least 10 new followers and over 1000 people reblogged it. I'd like to say thank you, for helping me achieve this.
rvndancer chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
I found the first chapter on tumblr, all the HP fans were reblogging it because it's so awesome X33 [they give credit to you btw D]

I cried at the one adressed to Lupin X333
YourMonster chapter 2 . 8/30/2010
That was so sad. I had tears in my eyes for the first part of the second chapter and then when Sirius had to witness Tonks in labor, you made me cry. :'(. Poor Sirius. I think you should make another chapter for when Remus dies and goes to meet them just as Sirius did. I am very much intrigued as to see how Remus would choose. I do so hope he would choose correctly. Why should Sirius be miserable for all eternity. Even if it meant Tonks being alone. Which is a bit distressing, but still, Remus belongs with Sirius.
GOLD fish 945 chapter 2 . 8/25/2010
I want to say I liked it, but it has Tonks in it, so it's hard to say. Bleghhh.

It was highly depressing, which was the goal, so success there! The only thing I thought maybe needed editing was that Lily, James and Sirius were all talking very formally to each other. There were like, no contractions, and I felt like it was a little forced. But that's my only critique.

I hate Tonks. So much. God dammit.

RLSB ftw.
Samantha chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
Wiait, when Sirius says he loved Remus, does he mean as a friend or...romanticly? If the former, great, if the latter, EWW! Anywho, great story!
Hannah In Wonderland chapter 2 . 8/24/2010
awww bless him :'( it was a lovely chapter x
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