Reviews for How Do I Loathe Thee?
FloraIrmaTylee chapter 5 . 10/3/2013
I really love the start. I always loved the love/hate relationship Zuko and Katara have, and while most people can't usually convince me that two people are literally falling for one another in so few chapters, you have. And it's amazing. I hope you keep writing this story! :)
Kimberly T chapter 5 . 3/14/2011
I don't normally go in for AU's, but this one is for the most part very well done!

I don't recall ever seeing the movie "Ten Things I Hate About You", so I don't know how much of this story's plot is from the movie and how much is original-or as original as fanfic can get anyway! :-) The starter for the plot-Hakoda telling his son that he can't date until his little sister dates-is apparently key to the original film, but seems to me like the most arbitrary and idiotic rule a dad can make up, because it's relying heavily on Sokka actually caring a lot for his sister's wellbeing. I can think of several teenaged boys I've known who, when told they couldn't date until their little sisters did, would promptly just pay a Jet-equivalent fifty bucks to persistently sweet-talk said little sister until she agreed to a date, not caring so much about what happened afterwards so long as their own dating restriction was finally lifted. And this was the mayor of a city declaring such a rule? Yeah, dunno if I'd want to live there...

Anyway, that aside, this was an excellent story. I feel sorry for Aang, pining after Katara and soon to see her becoming gneuinely interested in Zuko; I'm hoping that you have an On Ji or someone similar quietly waiting in the background, who's about to do something that'll make Aang finally notice her.

So with dyslexia and ADD, I'm guessing Toph has a real struggle reading at the very least. Does she also get tutoring in certain subjects, in order to keep her grades high enough to stay on the team? And how does she relate with Sokka in this AU? I hope we find out soon.
Sakura Katana chapter 5 . 3/11/2011
That was good! I hope the next update is a lot sooner though.

I think my favorite part was Jet and Zuko's little testosterone-off; it was pretty awesome.
silent romantic chapter 5 . 3/6/2011
Hawthorn Tree chapter 5 . 2/24/2011
Wait! I'm confused, wasn't Sokka thinking about hooking Katara up with Jet in th beginning? And wasn't he supposedly getting all nice and volunteering an all that junk? Not that I don't pretty much hate Jet, it's just thy I'm really confused. Is he a frickin' jerk that Katara used to date or what?
Ruby of Raven chapter 5 . 2/22/2011
Nice. Loved this chap!
manUgirl chapter 5 . 2/22/2011
Good chapter I really enjoy your story!

Hope you'll update soon.
Azrael Jinsei chapter 5 . 2/22/2011
Please write more soon. The description of Zuko's place was a little hard to follow, nothing a little editing can't fix.

Thank you so much for writing this. I look forward to the next chapter.
AnnaAza chapter 5 . 2/21/2011
So glad you're not dead! Poor Lu Ten...Ooh, Jet is here and he's going to have revenge or so ethnic, right? Uncle Iroh is so badass with Jet in a chokehold! Love Hakoda in the chat in the kitchen!
Ruby of Raven chapter 4 . 1/14/2011
I can't wait for more of it! I loved it!
Azrael Jinsei chapter 4 . 12/21/2010
Thanks for writing this, I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon, and thank you for wriiting this again.
Azrael Jinsei chapter 1 . 12/20/2010
This is really good, thank you for writing this, and thank you so much for only using Ten Things I Hate About you as scafolding to write this instead of as the actually story.

I look forward to the future chapters.
water rose chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
Sokka wants someone to seduce his little babysister? thats new, but I like the idea.:D

off to read next chapter
Sakura Katana chapter 4 . 9/1/2010
The Lu Ten thing totally caught me off guard. I figured Iroh had a stroke or something, but man... You made me sad. :( Can't wait for chapter 5!
Lore13 chapter 4 . 9/1/2010
Not bad at all, its turned out to be a grand idea, though I was not so sure of that before I read it. LOL

You write well, how much did you get from your creative writing classes? I didn't get a thing from mine. I find it hard to believe how many teachers are absolutely against fantasy and science fiction. I mean seriously, the only creative writing prof. I ever had that didn't say Sci-fi/Fantasy is not real writing was a poetry teacher, and it just never came up. LOL I took 4 elective creative writing courses, and my university is based on Literature, so I guess I was kinda doomed to have picky creative writing teachers. LOL

I love A:TLA, and I loved 10 Things I Hate About You (It's my second favorite production of a Shakespeare play, following Much Ado About Nothing) You are kinda brave to dance these 2 stories together. LOL It does look like fun to write though. You're doing great: keep it up, and have tons of fun!
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