Reviews for Under the Black Hood
owlrune chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
Aw, heartbreaking. Love it.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/6/2013
HUG! All my love, dean!
ccase13 chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
Poor Dean, the movie where Robin gets killed would not be good for him after Sammy jumped in the Cage with Lucifer and Michael.
Bundibird chapter 1 . 6/29/2011
You made me tear. and I'm totally gonna go watch that movie now. I'm not a big batman person (Begins bored the hell out of me, but Dark Knight was seriously awesome, and I've not seen any others), but this story made me curious. lol- is Jensen a fan? Hahaha- I never knew that. I know Dean is, but I never realised that Jensen was.

great fic though. seriously- I tear'd.


(and sorry for the anon review- logging in is a bit of a saga for me at the moment.)
biketest chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
Aw man, this is so pretty and sad and real. You got tears outta me. OH, DEAN! 3
Marlowe97 chapter 1 . 11/10/2010
"Ben's birthday's coming up, and Dean's got no clue what to get the kid. To his inexperienced eye, it seems like he's already got everything a kid could want (momhomeloveinnocence)."

God, I love that sentence!

""Dean, sweetie," she says, and pulls him down for a hug. He's been getting a lot of those lately too. That's alright, because she's soft and warm and it helps."

And that one!

I really, really liked that! Especially that you wrote this from Dean's POV - all scrambly-rambly and mixed up and tear-inducing.

Uh, and a bit gross, with the snot - yak

Love this *adds to mem*
silver ruffian chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
You're trying to break me, aren't you?

Dean's forced cheerful reactions were spot on, and so was Lisa and Ben's attempts to help him feel better. I saw Red Hood, and I loved it too, and you brought up some things in relation to SPN that I really didn't think about until now. I really liked this!
Lisa O'Brien chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
Very beautifully written. Thank you!
Oasis Blackmore chapter 1 . 8/17/2010
Just got done watching the movie (OMG!) and have a couple free minutes before it's time for a chick flick with my mom; I decided to spend them reading this fic - and now reviewing:

Another "OMG" is quite appropriate here, 'cause seriously. I TOLD you this would be awesome. And tear-jerking. And JEEZ, I can't wait for Season Six to bring the brothers back together. *sigh*

I love all the connections you made between Batman-Robin and Dean-Sam (I was totally doing it, too) and your descriptions of Dean dealing with his "normal" life (kinda like in "The Hurt Locker"). The character insight into Ben and Lisa fit perfectly, as well, based on what we know of them in canon.

And finally, that title. Brilliant.

~ Oasis
floatxxaway chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
Oh wow bb! You made my heart squish in my chest.

Dean's POV while watching the movie, him thinking back to hunting and Sam and oh boy the angst was beautiful, really.

"Sam had wanted to go after her so bad, but only because she had killed Dean. That was what Ruby had manipulated him into thinking. That's how this Red Hood thinks; that Batman should have killed the Joker for revenge."

This made me tear up and wibble. It's really good dear! I'm so happy you wrote this. 3
lotchness chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
You are so i have to watch the damn movie! Argh! But man, oh man, i started to tear up right along with dean... Great job! I haven't read any of your stuff, i'm gonna go check them out now.