Reviews for In the Arms of Your True Love
Megankittypooka chapter 11 . 5/11/2017
ok I love the story and I want more PLEASE PLEASE update this one pretty please
I Love The Stuff I Comment On chapter 11 . 10/28/2012
I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT G** D***IT! oh can Sesshomaru have ether a long conversation or lots of short ones with his beast, don't know why but I just LOVE IT when he talks to his beast, it's funny and intense at the same time, a great combination.
XXX-NaughtyFanFictionLover-XXX chapter 11 . 9/26/2012
Lol I found this chapter to be quite hilarious lol. Poor Sess, he was the only one Kags still hold a grudge onto lol. I didn't see that he did anything wrong lol... Great chapter ;0) Ja Ne...
JP5125 chapter 11 . 3/20/2012
I just found this story i'm not into SessxKagome fics but you do the couple justice. There are times when the character are OOC but that's your suppose to change everything! . In this chapter it was a little unfair for Kagome to forgive Koga and InuYasha and not Sesshomaru but that's what keeps this interesting. Also i would like to see more fluff, not enough fluff. I feels as though you went right into the physical part of Sesshomaru and Kagome relationship. In my opinion there's no deep connection developing yet to say that there falling in love. A great suggestion if somehow you can make Sesshomaru able to go to Kagome's world and spend time together there uninterrupted to really get to know each other. This is probably the longest review I've written but this story is totally worth it please update I would love to see where this fic is going. .
Inugirl294 chapter 11 . 4/24/2011
I really love your story. It pulled me in at the first chapter! - Your sense of humor is fantastic, especially in some of your A/N s. Maybe you could introduce Sesshomaru to peanut butter in the near future, if you need a bit of fluff
Madyson Istre chapter 7 . 3/30/2011
Your right! She's dead and should stay that way! Stupid evil clay pot zombie thing! XD It feels great getting that out of my System! Anyway...ON WITH THE STORY!
Wolfangel 93 chapter 11 . 2/4/2011
Really good i like the whole arragent lord part.
massengale77 chapter 11 . 1/20/2011
Yea you are horrible for not updating sooner lol j/k. I enjoyed this chapter but wish it was things work out between those two soon lol
lara5170 chapter 11 . 1/14/2011
I found this chapter boring & sad...almost just like putting off the inevitable...which nobody knows but you. I know I want Kagome & Sessh together & I want him to fall for her & fall hard & I wouldn't even mind seeing Kagome get swept off her feet...being that she got swept up in her feelings for Inuyasha & he never kissed her or acknowledged her it would seem that Sessh as an ally,treating her well,giving her attention both physical & showing interest in her time,her knowledge,the fact that she's intelligent, attractive, kind,powerful & as a woman in that era (the past) she's completely unique...being independent from her family (& time) by her own choice, being educated,powerful beautiful & is her own person...a warrior,a healer,educated,independent & of a marrying/mating age in that is no reason she shouldn't give Sessh a chance,even being stubbornshe looks a fool.
LoveInTheBattleField chapter 11 . 1/10/2011
Great chapter, I hope Kagome don't stay mad at SEsshoumaru for long, please update soon. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Sugar0o chapter 11 . 1/10/2011
awe poor Sesshomaru. cant wain with the little miko!
sesshy fan chapter 11 . 1/9/2011
& wats wrong wif kagome? she forgives koga & inu but holds a grudge against sesshy... sesshy is arrogant but both koga & inu are too, so why? dats unfair... sesshy should just leave her & finds someone else more worthy of his attention...
sesshy fan chapter 11 . 1/9/2011
though i like dis chpt, i'm pissed abt sesshy unable to crush both koga & inu during their fight...
Speedykitten1643 chapter 11 . 1/9/2011
Nice chapter keep up the good work and I hope to see the next chapter up soon
Yuffie miazaki chapter 10 . 1/5/2011
For starters i want to say that you are a very talented author and That i is completely in love with this story.i love love triangles they're amusing.I do not write for this site but i do on others aand i now how frustratimg it is to lose your muse .mine goes and she hides for weeks on end but at a conference something occured to me,my muse is mine to do with it as i see fit i owe it to my readers as all authors do .own your muse , seize her and write the story of a lifetime you are an amazing to you arigato mamiluckey-sama!
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