Reviews for The Griefless Ghost
DemeRain chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
Thanks for sharing.
Chatwyn chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
It'll have been years since you last posted this story, but for me, I only found it yesterday and I had to drop a note about how beautiful your cinematics are. The city of listless people, the man f-king Arthur upside-down in the bathtub, Eames' speech patterns. I read thrillers and quest stories and romances, and this is the first time I have come close to seeing something like an arthouse horror. 3 It's so good I would've stayed after the credits for the behind-the-scenes and director's cuts. I want to know. I am in awe.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
Oh please make a sequel! Their relationship needs some more limelight!
Amiee chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
This. Was. Bloody fantastic. It's a long story and a bit confusing at some parts, but I loved it; it gave me so much room to think and ponder and every time I re-read certain parts I'd always go "AHA! Now it makes sense." And you placed so much detail in it, my hero! I was nearly in tears whenever someone got hurt or Eames tried to interact with Arthur and was rejected and when everything just got angsty. You're an excellent author, and this deserves all the fucking awards. Way to go!

Love, Amiee
Shetalksgibberish chapter 1 . 5/27/2011
Exquisitely written. I honestly could not stop reading. Disturbing stuff - forget about that. Extremely imaginative, very much so. Love your work. I've still got shivers. Not exactly good, not exactly bad - the right amount of shivers. Goosebumps even.

Loved it.
Kytesama chapter 1 . 5/6/2011
I loved it.
random cow chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
Tore my heart out, but mended it back quite nicely. This is one of those stories that just HUUUUURRRRRTTTTTSS like hell... But it the end is worth all the pain

Ty for writing this~
lynxzpanther chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
Aw, there's totally no way to live forever, but it'd be cute. Eames is so lovely...

Flying. ) Such a Petrelli moment...

Yeah, quite disturbing. I was a bit surprised, really. Just... wow.

I liked the girl in the end, though. She was kind of awesome. )
michelle chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
oh. my. god. i stayed up until 2 in the morning reading this, then spent the next morning re-reading it. reading it the second time didnt alter the nauseous feelings and the shivers that made my skin itch. you are AMAZING. this is by far one of the creepiest, most disturbing, but also most well-done fics ive ever read. i really like the way u described arthur as being almost cat-like in his swiftness and gracefulness, because i noticed that too, particularly in the fight sequences. this was brilliant! im glad this was not an arthur/ariadne hurt comfort kinda ting, cuz even tho theyre cute, theyre too fluffy. a million thank you's, and please write more stuff like this, for sick ppl like me! xD
The Carrot chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
Mind. Fuck.


In the best way possible.

But good lord. My brain.
melpomene94 chapter 1 . 12/30/2010
Great story!
BeautifulScars7 chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
Loved the story! I look forward to reading more!
Li'l Yahiko chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
It's hard to say that I enjoyed this story because some of the graphic material actually made me feel nauseous. All the same, I couldn't STOP reading it until I was finished, even though it's three in the morning here, and I probably would have been better off studying for my finals or working on my art projects. Instead, I read this and chewed on the collar of my shirt nervously... Yeah, I think it's safe to say that you've painted a hell of a picture, and you've done a great job. Powerful, painful, shocking.

Also, I noticed your Mysterious Skin reference. That's one of my favorite movies.
IOTR chapter 1 . 11/3/2010
This story is just.. so many shades of amazing. From the beginning to the end, I love it. You write beautifully and I love the characterization. :)
moosefacew chapter 1 . 9/30/2010
This is amazing. That is about all my brain is capable of saying...

just, wow!
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