Reviews for HetaOni
Guest chapter 16 . 12/8/2012
Such a cliffhanger! Update quickly! I want to see the nations' reactions.
Fortune Maiden chapter 16 . 12/7/2012
Ah so we're finally getting to the meat of the story

This was really nicely written. I always love the flashbacks to Japan's "Are you hurt somewhere?" Poor Japan...didn't realize just how badly Italy was hurt .

That said, I will get this (and the last chapter) grammar-beta'd soon! (I know I say this a lot, but I have finals coming up .) (But know that since I read this right now as a reader, I didn't really pay attention to the grammar which means that it wasn't distracting!)

There's no bickering with the nations this time?
(Germany: At such a serious moment, the usual endnotes would spoil the mood. Deal with it)

So how are you? I can see from your profile that you've watched Rise of the Guardians...I'm guessing you liked it (I wanna watch it too)

...I never did get to hear you sing...
Guest chapter 16 . 12/7/2012
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Man, I've watched the videos and this is still a shock to me! Please hurry and update, I must know more!
Neko-VongolaPrimo chapter 16 . 12/7/2012
Oh.. my.. god!
Even though I knew what happened this was pretty harsh 3
You changed some of the scenes a bit right? But I think they fitted x3
The last sentence was amazing! All memories lost x)
The meaning behind it is just so deep x3
And I liked the idea more that the whole trio caught Roma then Prussia alone
Roma seems to be a bit more badass here, I like that
I can't wait for the next chapter, but mostly I can't wait for the part where America and Japan see the second time loop and when Germany and Italy get there as well x333
I hope you get many reviews by the way! x)
Spamano4ever chapter 16 . 12/7/2012
Hi! I just wanna say, I love your stories so much! You;re such a great writer! I creeped on your profile and saw you where gonna make fan fics of the other RPG's to. That will be awesome! I'm glad you updated! Spamano moments! And the BTT now reunited! Yay!
HikariNoTenshi-San chapter 16 . 12/7/2012
(why do I keep doing this to myself?)
Update soon!
Kosaji chapter 16 . 12/7/2012
Yay,a update! I really like all the details you put in, and how you made Romano carry the notebook around. All the extra dialouge and details really make this come together!
Mae-Lea chapter 15 . 11/30/2012
I love this fanfic! Please update as soon as you can!Oh!..I-if you're busy, that's fine, I just really love this...
HikariNoTenshi-San chapter 15 . 11/24/2012
Somehow, you made this seem more emotional. Might because of the added details to what was going on. ITALYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! YOU BIG LOVABLE IDIOT! TT_TT
Update soon please!
LawlietLover chapter 15 . 11/11/2012
This is awesome! I have played hetoni several times yet the battle scenes and the characters thoughts added to the expirience. I can't wait for the next chapter! The next part of the game is my favorite do I can't wait to see your take on it!
RoseColoredSky chapter 15 . 11/10/2012
This is Awesome!
DeathField chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
Ok, I'd like you to continue HetaOni. You are doing very well Singing, don't worry and try your best !
Guest chapter 15 . 10/24/2012
is this where you vote? if it is then i choose HETAONI! -NightFrost
Guest chapter 7 . 10/13/2012
Something has been bothering me for quite awhile, you, like many fanfiction writers, say that when Prussia gets shocked or scared, his face pales, my question is, how can he pale? He's albino he's already pale. If there is a certain reason behind this, please tell me. I'm 66Gryphons on Deviant Art. By the way, I love your fight scenes! You're really good! Keep up the good work!
Snowtipped Pine chapter 15 . 10/8/2012
That update...made me rediculously happy. :D
Gaaaahhhh! I can't wait for the next chapterrrrrrrr!
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