Reviews for Naruto of the Talismans
FinalKingdomHearts chapter 13 . 8/7/2019
Joker619 chapter 13 . 7/21/2019
Does Sakura even have the chakra to do a Kage bunshin?
GamerX568 chapter 11 . 7/19/2019
One more thing. Nice Uncle Cameo.
Joker619 chapter 12 . 7/18/2019
Nice to see an update again.

Wondering if you'll give Naruto the contract with the Shadokhan for his summons?
isoulmani chapter 12 . 7/15/2019
It's alive! And not half bad. Glad to see you back in the game. I hope life has been treating you well.
monsterkillers124 chapter 11 . 2/10/2018
Will there ever be a update for the story
monsterkillers124 chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
I'm confused with where this is going
Mr.unknow chapter 11 . 10/8/2017
nicely done, i would liek to see where this all may lead to.
monsterkillers124 chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
Continue the story please
Reishin Amara chapter 10 . 7/3/2017
Holy shit...very good reason for Zambia to attempt to kill the mizukage.

And it answers a lot of stuff about mei
King of fan fans chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
One question with the dog talisman will make it impossible for his test subjects to died?
Perseus12 chapter 1 . 3/1/2017
Cooool~ and I like it!
Guest chapter 9 . 2/4/2017
Okay, you already hit naruto with a nerf bat so hard, he's POSSIBLY STUPIDER then he is in cannon, now, the SECOND he shows a LITTLE BIT of promise and awesomeness, you say "he's not ready" for that power? NO KIDDING, because he keeps SCREWING AROUND ACTING LIKE A BRAT FOR NO REASON. He's WASTED YEARS already, and then proceed to hit him with the nerf bat again! For heaven's sake he ALREADY barely uses his talismans(seems to have NO IDEA HOW TO USE MOST OF THEM), KNOWS NO CHAKRA POWERS, has NO SEALING aptitude/knowledge, NO CHAKRA CHAINS and has NO EXCUSE because he HAS people looking after him! If he's NOT READY? Then it's HIS OWN DAMN FAULT and those around him for BABYING HIM! He's got a MONSTEROUS bounty on his head, thus insuring that the entire chunnin exams will be a "hunt the naruto" party, plus he's got the masked guy(OBEDITO) popping in and out so much he might as well as have a hotel room rented in konoha, if he isn't ready? THEY"RE ALL DEAD! Well written, just a REALLY PATHETIC hero, NOT endearing, instead TOO STUPID and WEAK! This is pathetic, I'm done with this story.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/4/2017
Why warn gato? Why not just sneak in, kill them all? I mean they are NOT a threat, especially with 2 sharringan users and naruto, I mean heck even a few well positioned explosive tags and you show the fool exactly how much his money means... BOOM!

For that matter why didn't naruto simply mention to haku during their talks that it was foolish for people like Zabuzza and his hired shinobi to even work for someone like gato, as it would be EASIER for shinobi just to KILL the little midget and henge into him, in order to take ALL of his money, then vanish. I mean, seriously, none of his thugs would be able to see through it, so what would it matter? Normal civilians just CANNOT keep up with ninja IN ANY WAY, IN ANY SHAPE, OR IN ANY FORM! It's LAUGHABLE that people like gato (and fans of the series) even think that MONEY of all things could buy SAFETY in a world stuffed with super-powered people. Especially, when even the "GOOD GUYS" are basically MERCS. (with morals). Also doesn't this LITTLE encounter basically show Konoha and others that hosting the "chunnin exams" is a REALLY DUMB-BUTT idea? With this kinda BOUNTY on naruto, the other teams are gonna say "SCREW THE PROMOTION" and ALL be gunning JUST for him.

On the plus side, at least this means Orochimaru's curse marks are JOKES...The HORSE should be able to annihilate them instantly, to QUOTE CANNON: "If activated the noble horse expels all alien forces within" So, the marks should be USELESS against naruto, and (once he learns to USE the damn thing properly) anyone he puts his hands on that he wants to heal.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/2/2017
This doesn't really float my boat, naruto in cannon is stupid because nobody teaches him and nobody is there for him, that's not the case in this one.. So he has NO EXCUSE...To be an utter FUCKING MORON! If jackie and the third brain-dead triplets can use the talismans within SECONDS of touching them and he's had them for YEARS! He SHOULD be a POWERHOUSE!
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