Reviews for Zack learns the hard way
Keimichi chapter 14 . 9/22/2015
This was fun at the beginning, but the end was just bloody tears TT
That terrible optimism of Zack just made the ending even more tragic. Very good short story/ drabbles.
I'll go on to read the sequel now and hope that everything is happier.
Yandere Shoujo chapter 5 . 2/17/2015
It's only gay if balls touch.
Yandere Shoujo chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
Ah, it's been many years since I first read this, I look forward to re-reading all of it. I think I'm gonna cry when I reach the end of the sequel.
Midori Ookami chapter 14 . 8/20/2013
A humor story isn't supposed to make you cry at the end! Was an awesome story though.
Our Lady of Zombies chapter 14 . 11/8/2012
Ok. You made me cry. That's really sad. Good work. I really liked it.
True Essence chapter 14 . 10/7/2012
I read this story a while back, I've been searching for a long time but I could never remember what it was called. I absolutely love, I actually usually don't review/comment unless I really really like the story and well... haha. I'm commenting... I found it again and totally in my favorites. I can just really seeing this happening, I mean we have no idea what Zack had to do for Cloud or put up with though he did all he could of love for his best friend. Great story.
CloudyandZack chapter 14 . 9/30/2012
AWWWW. The omake chapter and the mornings chapter made me laugh SO much. The other ones did too of course, but hey, those kinds of things are better than trying to drink water. So yeah. It was great.

DON'T DIE ZACK! (i watched, re-watched, re-re-watched (etc.) the ending of Crisis Core when Zack died and cried, re-cried, and sobbed some more.)
spiel chapter 14 . 8/7/2012
omg no :(

I had hoped against hope that at least this one time they would make it :(

I really enjoyed reading about Zack and Cloud's (mis-)adventures, especially the scenes Zack imagined with the two of them and Aerith.

Thanks a lot for this awesome story!
ReviewerWhoBegsForUpdates chapter 11 . 10/20/2011
Hehe! Cloud is a nudist at heart!
HiddenFlowerDesi chapter 11 . 8/15/2011
HAHAHAHA ! I feel sorry for Zack having to dress Cloud XD he kicks him? wow O.O ... he must really hate the boots, haha...
HiddenFlowerDesi chapter 10 . 8/15/2011
"Seph- firebloodtraitorchosen-" ...XD I laughed so hard at that Xd hahahaha ! Also ..."and her Mom"
HiddenFlowerDesi chapter 6 . 8/15/2011
...when Zack slapped Cloud and got upset... it sorta got me upset, too ... He didn't mean to, it just happened...
zegez chapter 14 . 1/20/2011
. . . wow, just... wow. This story... it's bittersweet from start to end. Bitter because you know what's coming at the end. Sweet because when you see Zack taking care of Cloud there's a light side to everything, even though the journey's so hard. You just can't comprehend them not making it through this together. Especially since there's that blossoming possibility of a relationship and because Zack himself seems so sure they will. Then you reach that second last chapter and the familiarity of the scene reminds you what's coming soon. Even at the end though, you know what's happened but because of the way its worded it's still... hopeful, like Zack really is just going to sleep or something.

You've really captured the feeling of those last moments. This is one of very few fics that has been able to make me feel like I did when I watched those end cutscenes from Crisis Core. When Zack said "I love you", gah! My chest got all tight, and then he closed his eyes and ... I actually teared up a little bit. That's not something that happens often.

So kudos, for writing a great fic. Definitely a fav.
A Fair Amount of Strife chapter 14 . 12/4/2010
I'm crying now!

Your story just makes Zack's death all the more sad...I mean, of course I enjoyed reading it, but all the effort and time spent on the run...

He tried so hard. And what might have been worse is that Cloud forgot him for a while there...poor Zack. And it was only like...FIVE guys left! Zack killed thousands, I'm sure, and there were only a few guys left...


And I always thought Zack loved Cloud. How can you take care of someone like their your baby, and continue to drag them around for a year, more or less, when you could easily dump them, and NOT love them?

I don't know in what way. I'd say friends, but they have to be much closer than that. Brothers? Maybe. I haven't met brothers like that before...mine wouldn't do that for me. Zack is just that amazing.

This story is amazing.
QQQniQ chapter 1 . 11/7/2010
I love this :)
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