Reviews for Hide and Seek
jcampbellohten chapter 1 . 10/5/2014
Haha, it was just Hiei. And awww, Hiei did that for him!
An enjoyable read, though the depth of the plot and the length has me thrown off. I'm used to either full-length multi-chapter plots or oneshots that are more about character study or snippets in time than an actual plot and things happening. It felt like a really condensed full-length plot; there was a mystery or two, some action events happened, and the mysteries were solved at the end and motives revealed.
kaede chapter 1 . 11/21/2013
I really wish I could leave you some concrit because I know how useless "wow that was great" is but I honestly can't think of anything. Honestly all I can think is "wow that was great."
Anna Jaganshi chapter 1 . 5/23/2013
Way to go Kuwabara. I need to read more Kuwa-centric things... I'm realizing how much I like him. Rather, how you write him. :) He's such a loveable softy...

His interactions with Tori and Hiei's 'tests' were fun but also suspenseful. I'd been certain it was Tori since he couldn't feel the energy, despite his picking out hers from Hiei... but his explanation about filtering them out makes sense! I love this deeper look into the idea of their energy and how they sense each other. And also Hiei's lack of ghost-sense, ha-ha.
Appreciative chapter 1 . 5/10/2013
Yay! A good Kuwabara fic!
matchynishi chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
aaaah love. never mind me, i'm just stalking your fic for now laksdjf.
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 11/1/2012
I like your style. Well written difficult-to-write characters, nice oneshots that don't have convoluted plots and extreme angst, and great character interactions. Thanks for writing!
The Shadowless Nuance chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Its good : )
Cookie Heist chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
Kuwabara-centric fic, and Hiei trying to give advice in his own awkward way. Me gusta.

I also really liked the bit where Kuwabara thinks x-rated thoughts about breakfast. Been there. ;)
Gwen.Love chapter 1 . 12/21/2011
I really love this story. Kazuma is my absolute favorite character and any Kuwa-centric story makes me melt a little on the inside. Plus it was very well written and easy to read (captured my attention, interesting and well developed plot). So thank you for a superb story.

Favorite line: He really hoped this thing didn't have tentacles, that never boded well.
shasha chapter 1 . 9/18/2011
Oh man, this story is AMAZING! Straight up, this should have been canon for the Three Kings saga to give Kuwabara something to do. I don't see nearly as many Kuwabara-centered stories as I'd like, especially dealing with his unique spirit awareness. And you did it in such a detailed, scary, suspenseful manner.

I really like how you hinted how much Kuwabara means to Yusuke, in a PLATONIC way. Their friendship is probably my favorite relationship in the series and I REALLY wish there were more friendship fics about them. And how you very subtly hinted that Hiei was concerned for Kuwabara's safety as well, though he'd rather die than admit it. Contrary to popular belief, they really don't hate each other imo.

I also liked this line: "Playing dumb was something he had a lot of experience with." I believe that's true, Kuwabara's not the idiot everyone thinks him to be.

And Shizuru was her awesome, no-nonsense self.

Just a great job all around.
Ani Mei chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
wow, this was so intense! I like the characterizations. The ghost reminds me of something...
Shadowolf chapter 1 . 2/20/2011
Jiggysaw chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
Amazing, well-written, and really clever! I absolutely love this fic!
orange sodap0p chapter 1 . 11/15/2010
This is really awesome. I really liked how the countdown was a test and not like...a death sentence or anything. Still, it had a very creepy vibe to it. I loved the way you wrote Kuwabara (everyone so doesn't give him enough credit!) I also really like your ghost girl and her interaction with Kuwabara. I was actually sad that she had to go, haha.
Suicide In A Bottle chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Hiei worrying about Kuwabara? *gasp* It's a miracle! lol! XP Great fic.
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