Reviews for The Third Apprentice
fanastikal chapter 39 . 11/17/2011
Epic. Beautifully done. A wonderful take on Veronica, especially, and the other apprentices that does a great justice in their backstories. Thank you so much for this.
silverwolfneko-chan chapter 39 . 9/21/2011
thank you so much for a great story! I really enjoyed it, jumping over to your other stories right away keep writting stories!
Artemis Rayne chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
I will leave a more detailed review later of just how much I fraking loved this story, but I'm at work still and don't have the time to write it all out. (Even though I did take the time to read this entire novel in one sitting at my desk... didn't get any of my work done but who cares? It's friday.)

Overall I'd just like to say that this story is the single greatest piece of fiction I have ever read on this entire site. This is the time where I wish it wasn't a fanfiction, so I could have a copy to buy and keep on my bedside table and read over and over and over again. Everything about it was beautifully and masterfully created. Your characters were realistic, natural, and intriguing. You managed a setting and time period that's been done a thousand times, and kept it in line while still making it a hundred percent your own.

You are a truly gifted writer and I look forward to reading the rest of your works. Do you write any original fiction as well? If you do I would love to read that too. You are the new favourite author of a very picky reader.

Favourited a million times over!

- Artie
Twain Sight chapter 39 . 3/22/2011
I'm new to this fandom and I throughly enjoyed this. The links made between the original characters and the film were brilliant. I love the Stutlers at the end. And Balthazar is off to find the Prime Merlinian. Very nice. \

Thanks for a great read!

Rose's.wings chapter 39 . 3/13/2011
That was great! The name at the end really surprised me. I loved it. It's an amazing story. I'm so glad I got to read it.

Rose ;)
Rose's.wings chapter 2 . 3/3/2011
Uh-oh. I get the feeling that the Queen is about to be proven sorely wrong... ;P I like this beginning. It makes me eager to read the rest of it. It was also cool finding a long, multi-chapter story about the Sorcerer's Apprentice, and a good looking one at that. It feels like the only good stories I can find are sadly short. Anyway, I can't wait to read more.

Rose :D
Phoenix369 chapter 33 . 1/30/2011
hiya, loving the story and glad you cleared up the arthur and mordred point. one more slight point though, excalibur was the sword given to arthur by the lady of the lake, i dont think the sowrd from the stone actually had a name. other than that, brilliant, loving the plotline : )
TTCyclone chapter 10 . 1/28/2011
Omg, SUSPENSE. xD Lol I love this!
TTCyclone chapter 3 . 1/28/2011
Lol dude I'm in love with this story already. You write awesomely!
Silver Square chapter 39 . 12/28/2010
Aw, come on! It's right there!
Thunderblade14 chapter 15 . 12/4/2010
I love the end of this chapter. :) It's so ironic.
featherdusterpixie chapter 39 . 10/5/2010
that was great!

i loved it!

it so sad to see all that arthur and merlin had built end.
theicecreambattle chapter 39 . 9/25/2010
i'm sorry i didnt review last few chapters..

but i've read every single one of it and loved it.

i look forward to your sequel. :)
Arlothia chapter 39 . 9/25/2010
That was awesome! I'm so sad to see this story go but I think you ended it well. I totally did not see that one coming. Paul's family being Stutlers? Brilliant! I loved this story so much and I'm totally reading it again. I can't wait to read the next story. I'll be waiting with baited breath. Keep it up!

Remus'Girl-Jaggie-Bade chapter 39 . 9/24/2010
I told you I would cry. Well I was right, I am crying-on the inside. This is a AWESOME story! I LOCE how you portray Veronica! You did a spectacular job, considering how little we know about her. One of my favorites on the whole site(and that's saying something) and I can't wait for the sequel! I'll be one of the first to review it, mark my words!
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