Reviews for You Make My Dreams
HeadinTheClouds13 chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
Oh hai...

So I pretty much ship this exclusively thanks to you, because I knew you shipped it going into the film so I was looking for it...and holy crap I kinda love it. And by kinda of mean keysmashing hjdjhdnmdsnsa love.

And I especially love this. Your smut is really awesome. That sounded lame...what I mean is a lot of smut sucks. This completely doesn't. It's the exact opposite exactly and I am once again in awe of your talent.

sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
Nice smut. You could tell how much they missed each other.

I really liked how you had them explore one another when they first met up, and how they made mental promises about one another. _

Nice job!

ChocohalicsAnonymous chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
...Holy shit. That was so incredibly hot! Well done, my friend, well done.
OneWhoSitsWithTheTurtles chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
That was adorable and hot lol. You put in enough plot that it wasn't just like "oh hey, want to have sex?" but seriously, what's wrong with just writing smut? XD One image I really liked was Arthur in Eames's old t-shirt. No clue why, it just made me happy inside. Like...they share everything. Also, using Daniel as Eames's first first I was like "uh oh, did Arthur just say the wrong name?" but then I got it lol. I wish Nolan had been nice enough to give us their first (Eames) and last (Arthur, Ariadne, Yusuf, Saito) names. How hard is it to slip that in? lol.
Delete account please forever chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
That was lovely. And the song lyrics are just so fitting!
DifferentNotWeird chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
GAH, this was amazing. SO HOT. And so adorable. I love Eames/Arthur :D
secretnumber-486 chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
One word: Hot.

And such a sweet ending xD I love that song.
A chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Iris chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
"You make my dreams"

Song title from one of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's other movies, "500 Days of Summer"
FiferRose chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Okay, so Daniel is an awesome name for Eames. I feel torn now between it and some other fanon names. Le sigh.

But anyyyyway. AH! That was SO fantastic, forgive the gushing. But, it was just so hot and sweet and funny and hoooot! But sweet! It was fantastic. 3 (that's a heart, not a random three, just in case the other symbol edits out). :)
Ele Goddess of Elements chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
very sweet and cute and funny :)
Corky the Quirk chapter 1 . 8/18/2010
Warning: This story may cause fangirls' hearts to explode after excessive amounts of squee-ing. Take caution while reading the work of the Smut God.

Anyway, you already know how much I absolutely love and adore your work and I'm so glad I made you keep writing because if you hadn't continued to write and then post this the Inception fandom would be seriously missing out and this is a major run-on sentence but who cares? I love Eames and Arthur and they're so perfect for each other and you capture that brilliantly and oh shit another run-on!

I love this and you and them and there's just a ton of love going around today :D