Reviews for Honeymoon
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31
Mr. War chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Please do NOT take this story down! It's one of my favorites and I'll be devastated if this was deleted. ;_;
John chapter 12 . 2/5/2017
I really enjoy this entire series of chapters, I found It a nice read and very creative and enjoyable. I can't wait for the next chapter, if there is a next chapter? can't wait to see what happens.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/6/2016
Really great story! I need more Mass Effect in my life. You got all of the characters personalities on point. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds, and what's going on with the Hanar :)
Guest chapter 12 . 2/3/2016
Where 13
Mr.G chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
I know I'm late to respond to this awesome fic but. This has got be the most beautiful, awesome, stupendous, absolutely fantastic tali/shepard romance fiction I've ever read! It's a shame that it suddenly stops but it is what it is all the same really great fic. Also for some reason I think an evil clone is responsible for the whole attack and news leakage about shepard but it's just a theory in my case.
forgetti chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
i have the most awkward boner right now
ClanofHeroesandHeroines chapter 7 . 10/23/2014
"No hanar were harmed in the writing of this chapter." I find that hard to believe. Even jellyfish have nerves.
NonOmnisMoriar chapter 12 . 9/22/2014
This story is so amazing and it's such a shame that after twelve awesome chapters, the story suddenly stops.
I really love the way you describe Tali and Shepard and their wonderful relationship. You can almost feel the love exploding from every chapter!
I know that it's highly unlikely that you'll ever finish this story, but if you'd suddenly find your muse again you'd make me a very happy ME fan. Even if it's just one final chapter!

Anyway, thanks for sharing this beautiful story.

Masseffectshepard chapter 12 . 8/24/2014
I have to agree with WC-83 on this one, even if you do not plan on continuing this story where you left it off still works out and it truly is an amazing story. This is the first fanfiction I ever read and it got me really into fanfiction, so much so that I'm writing mass effect fanfiction myself as well so please never take this story down! You created something great in this story, perfect cameos, easter eggs, fluff, emotion, and amazing character interaction. Never take it down this is a work of art.
Sarah Riviere chapter 12 . 6/28/2014
Aww man! This story is so hilarious. I wish you could continue.
WC-83 chapter 6 . 6/24/2014
Before I start this review, I noticed how you actually updated the first chapter a day ago after what seemed like a long time, and responded to my comment on how I suspected this was before ME3 (which makes me more sheepish than proud, but still). I also saw how you were considering taking this down and decided to keep it on since some people like it. I must ask that you never take it off, it is a really good story, that evidently many people still read (or maybe only a few more but good story nonetheless). If you were to type in "Shepard and Tali marriage fanfic" this is the top result (with the bottom ones I couldn't really look at or did not have the same literary standard). I just think this should stay for people in the future, but it is your decision. I for one will continue until I reviewed the entire story like I said I was going to do, so just a heads up.

On to the actual review. Again, another good chapter and what is it about? Shepard and Tali going to a carnival, that's it. And it still works, just them going on a date as husband and wife. The small bit with them sleeping the whole previous day was nice and cute as well (even if it doesn't fit to the rest of the chapter). While I thought it a bit strange to have a volus as one of the 2 antagonists, but I suppose it would be boing without a butt monkey or two. Them checking out human rides and attractions is good on Tali's part, and her conflict with the blonde really gives Tali a reason (or even MORE reason) to be proud to have married Commander Shepard. I do have to take issue with Shepard putting ice cream on her helmet (and how he cleans it...) I mean it is passable if it ended with him catching her after their romp, but picture seeing Shepard licking the cream off of the helmet from Tali's point of view...not very appealing. Or maybe I just don't get it, lik probably some people do, I don't know. The scene with Tali being outed as Shepard's wife is a good scene of them standing tall against the rain (or just a dumb blonde who can't see a gold band on a guy's finger, which ever) and finding the rain surprisingly accepting (but still not the blonde XD). The final reveal for Garrus is a good way of connecting to the next episode (but I read that other mention of the "Noxious gas from before, huh") and revisit our favorite, eternally calibrating turian. another good chapter.
WC-83 chapter 5 . 6/23/2014
Steamy chapter this one. Quite primal, but I am not feeling like it is something to feel squiky at, and some one probably will jerk off to this so it has several purposes (I apologize if that is offensive to your intention, I mean no disrespect, I am jut a reviewer).

What I am concerned about is what happened after the elevator bang and Shepard brought her to the bedroom. I assume the worst but I can also see that it probably isn't as bad as I make it out to be.

What really like about this chapter though is what they do afterward and Shepard realizes his mistake, and everything after is just full of so many feels at how comfortable they are with each other, just...d'aawww. Really nice ending to it.
WC-83 chapter 4 . 6/23/2014
Hmm, this was a strange chapter. It is actually quite hard to follow actually. So they get a bottle of wine (which for some reason they can BOTH drink) which they try out at a restaurant and then after their meal and half the bottle they try to make love? Is this still in the restaurant? There is no sign of anyone's reaction outside of that I mean he flipped a table over after they had broken a glass of wine on the floor, so is it still in the restaurant? It seemed that way and Shepard seemed to not hold his liquor well here (he shared a glass of wine with Dr. Chakwas and felt dizzy for a while but nothing else) so...yeah. Quite confusing this chapter here and not as strong as the others but I give it the benefit of the doubt.
WC-83 chapter 3 . 6/23/2014
Quite a nice chapter. Really like how this is pretty much Shepard and Tali living the first day (or second?) as a married couple, and it shows really well.

There are a few things (like Tali eating what appears to be regular [non-dextro] bacon, along with a few jokes that fall flat) that I personally find a bit much but by and large it is good, and shines in some areas, either by Fridge Brilliance or otherwise (like how Tali is unfamiliar with Bacon, considering the entire Migrant Fleet was on a vegan diet due to space issues). Whether this was intentional or not, I give props for it at least holding up. A good work.
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