Reviews for Don't Be Stupid
beyondtired chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
That was just so much awesomeness.
angellwings chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
YAYAY! You posted it! I love this story! I love Kevin's reaction to Macy's boy troubles and I love the way the kiss happens at the end! GREAT work! :)
JennyMoriarty chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
*whizzes around singing "KACY! KACY! KACY!"*

I love this story! It's just too adorable for words!

Darkchilde chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Macy, I totally agree. Boys DO suck, and then then when they turn into "men", they seem to get even worse. Lucky you, you seem to have gotten a hold of a good one. :D

Very sweet story. Kevin is so good at comforting Macy-gosh, they just belong together, don't they? (Now why couldn't the stupid writers understand that?)