Reviews for 24
Storby chapter 24 . 5/6/2013
You are the best! I love stories what doesn't always end up happily.
I just can't believed they, hers team didn't see that. You just let us the readers see that he was that bad man.
I am read about 4 your fics and all of them is so brilliant. I loved that fic where JJ was kidnapped and she just speak spanish and doesn't trust anybody.

Thank you wonderful fic
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Leather2Lace chapter 24 . 7/15/2012
god damn my effing heart. the second henry died i knew there was no way jj would survive but it still shocked me
spk chapter 24 . 1/29/2011
Oh Good God! My heart broke for JJ. I kept screaming at the screen trying to tell the team who the UNSUB My heart now breaks for the team as they deal with their guilt. Great story. :)
MidnightHalcyon chapter 24 . 11/21/2010
Wow, this story was simply amazing.
sue2008 chapter 24 . 10/2/2010
Well, in the end I just stayed like but great story (most of your stories are that way;)

But one thing...I'm not judging or anything I just need to believe that the team wouldn't be ignoring JJ's try on identifying the UnSub, however delirious she might be
imuy chapter 24 . 9/14/2010
My chest hurts, there's a giant lump on my throat and my eyes are burning..You've written this story so beautifully and strongly and i totally applaud you. i was hoping JJ would live (and secretly wishing she would end up with Hotch), but i loved the ending just the same and i totally understand your reasons for killing her. I am looking forward to your next stories and also hoping you'd continue your other story, This is the Place, and update soon.
SignedSealedWritten chapter 24 . 9/13/2010
You did what I didn't have the courage to do in Art of Butterflies - you killed off JJ. I respect you for it, i admire you for it, even if I'm about to cry in a dorm room. Which, really, isn't the best of ideas because then you invariably have to explain yourself.

This story was amazingly written. You know this. But I'll tell you it again - your stories are unique in ways that are astounding.

There's also this - I think you kept both parts of the prompt. Even if you didn't start in the POV of a guardian angel - the team is kind of like JJ's guardian angel, aren't they?
kenzmom chapter 24 . 9/13/2010
I hate that JJ was killed, but you're right, it was kinder that way.

Can't wait for more from you!
Calzona-Rizzles1997 chapter 24 . 9/12/2010
Okay, so, in all true honesty, this story was amazing. Despite the fact JJ died, I believe that was the kinder thing to do. The aftermath after an experience like that would be brutal. Especially since she is left with nothing. She'd be pretty much broken to the point that she'd feel dead. I understand your reason of choice for this. I myself think you did a wonderful job at everything. Portraying the characters was a big one for me. I saw you did so well. This review may be long but I am trying to sum up that I loved this. So basic fact to this is, I loved it. I can't wait for your next story.
Calzona-Rizzles1997 chapter 23 . 9/12/2010
She's slowly dying! You have to let the team find her.
Calzona-Rizzles1997 chapter 22 . 9/12/2010
Oh gosh, your amazing at pin pointing every detail that the team would do. My my, another wonderful chapter.
Calzona-Rizzles1997 chapter 21 . 9/12/2010
I have got tingles reading this.
JJstar52 chapter 24 . 9/12/2010
GASP! You killed her!

Omfg! That is so sad! I was almost crying, but I couldn't because I just did my make-up and I didn't want to go to school with mascara tracks and red eyes from crying x)

This story was just brilliant, and you wrote it so well. I could actually see this happening in an episode.. Well, maybe not with JJ, but with another victim :)
Holly94 chapter 24 . 9/12/2010
loved this story dont get me wrong i love JJ shes my fav but it was a such a good ending :)

Cant wait for your next story :)
savetoniqht chapter 24 . 9/12/2010
This is fantastic. And as sad as it is that JJ died I think you made the best choice- it was much more realistic this way. You're awesome. Can't wait for your next story!
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